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Everything posted by neokn

  1. Will take one with White light tomorrow. Current, pic taken with D-D blue and AquaZ Blue Pro.
  2. 1. Size of the Colony including mix is 2 closed fist. 2. Sembawang.
  3. As titled. For bid. Start Bid: $1/- Collection this Sunday.
  4. What type of router are you looking for? A/B/G?
  5. Just kidding lar. I love my Eagle Eye leh. Maybe if I can get different type of Zoas than I'll sell mine.
  6. Well if you would like to buy the whole rock which I think dersuz would never sell you can try LFS. Alternatively, I can sell you one of mine. :eyebrow:
  7. VanDeam: What fast fingers you got.
  8. dersuz, They're lucky that you're a good fragger with fast growing Zoas. Guyz, Buy before it's gone again.
  9. These are aka Eagles Eyes. Link here. Reddevil, Something happen to the one from me?
  10. Revised Price for the items Item 1. $20/- for the whole rock size of 1.5x of the adult fist Item 2. $4/- for the whole rock size of 2 adult fist Item 3. $16/- for the whole rock size of 2 adult fist (3 x giant yuma & 2 small ones) Item 4. Temp remove coz she started to behave herself Item 5. $16/- Pink base green tip yuma ( 3 x 4" & few small ones) Cash n Carry @ Sembawang. Hope to clear fast for more Zoas.
  11. Update pictures. Giant metallic green yuma with natural sunlight. All items still available. I also have pink base yuma for grabs too. All pictures taken under natural sunlight.
  12. Thanks for the recommendation. Currently, I do not know which lfs to approach. Any recommendation?
  13. Bro, Any chance of getting the Centropyge interruptus & Centropyge debelius?
  14. Lots of pygmy angel had been successful aqua culture (including Centropyge resplendens) thus if you mentioned that it's a huge shipment. most likely those are aqua culture. Last I ask, it cost around S$800 in HK. Locally if you want can special order from CF or LCK110. Note: CF will get theirs fr the aqua culture farm in US and it'll cost you S$1k including shipping and tax (doesn't gurantee DOA) Link here. My personal favourite is Centropyge interruptus & Centropyge debelius
  15. Typo error. Item 3. RP 6/- per poly. These yuma are of giant size n luminous green in colour even w/o blue/ actinic.
  16. Guys & Gals, Link between both forum wouldn't work b 'coz whenever u put link of that forum it'll auto rename into another. It's vice versa from the other forum. So don't even bother to link it. Check this out & you will know why.
  17. Upzzz. Guess I would need to price tag them myself since no one can price tag for me. Item 1. Offered $30 by reefer thru' pm. Awaiting pm reply. Item 2. RP $6/- Item 3. RP $8/- per poly Item 4. RP $120/- (Note: Not for tank with alot of expensive Zoas)
  18. Guyz, As I just couldn't quite give a price tag to the item that I want to sell thus I'm open to offer. Item 3 is a huge LR with the giant yuma on both side.
  19. Sharp eyes, u have. But the fungia isn't part of the LR.
  20. 4. This is not a coral. Juv blue angel in the background. Reason for sell her is because she couldn't leave my Zoas alone. So if anyone is interested then I'll trap her.
  21. 3. Preview - Giant lime green yuma. Size - 1 x 5", 2 x 3.5" & 3 x 10 cent size. Want to keep only 1 anyone whom is good in fragging?
  22. 2. Preview - Hairy mushroms with green base n 1 lime green Anemonia majano.
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