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Everything posted by neokn

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  2. Replied in sms. Tank is temp reserved for collection.
  3. As titled. Collection @ my place @ Sembawang. FCFS.
  4. Omg, I saw 2 tri-colour prata there. and many red prata too. I think just 1 side off your tank is already 1 tanker note + already.
  5. Pciture will be good to show.
  6. Tri colur Prata - 6 blue notes Red Prata - 4 blue notes Gold Octo - Range 2 blue to 4 blue notes Orange hammer - 4 to 5 blue notes.
  7. Yes, the tri-colour prata are open. To be frank, I was there when they open all the shipment. I can tell you these shipment of corals is super healthy, within 30 mins to an hour majority of the corals are already starting to stablise.
  8. Yes, 2 more as of today. Still got lots of multi colour lobo, Brain, Golden octo, Red prata and orange hammer. Had a long chat with Jon and found out that this shipment is a trial shipment - meaning this shipment a gesture by CF in return to the local reefing community thus the good pricing. If the reefing is responsive to it then they might consider bring in future shipment.
  9. They'll occasionally give out some black slime like stuff but it should be alright.
  10. That would be a BIG YES. But I doubt you can still see them there as most of them are in a certain reefer whom bought quite a lot, think I heard was 10 Orange notes.
  11. ALOT of reefer Loh... Excluding me, working today. Damn but thanks to a kind reefer, I have gotten what I want.
  12. Errrr..... What's that you are feeding them?
  13. LOL. I see alot of hair like those of the ... u know where.
  14. Haha, That's why I ask orsony what shipment is this, weird Indo/ Philipines shipment have Africanus. Most of the time Africanus shipment doesn't have those angel like key hole & blue lips.
  15. Bro, Old man here. Can circle the fella bo? Cannot identify it.
  16. Saw it last week @ CF. But don't know still have or not. Give aunty a call else u waste the trip there.
  17. Garden eel - Carnivorous. It jumps too. At least that's what happen to my old one 3 yrs back.
  18. orsony, what shipment is this such weird combination of LS. Damn, I bought a yellow belly regal already.
  19. But I have gotten my Regal angel from Red Sea twice from SL. (abt 2+ yrs ago) Have it been that bad that now Red Sea no longer produce Regal angel or the stock level there have went down so much that they had barely enough to supply to others?
  20. Errrr..... Why would you think I'm sarcastic? I'm just informing TS that even Jewel tank can make it. Thinness will never cause a tank to break but a scratch or a small non-visible crack will after long period of time or another impact to the same point.
  21. Simply tank bought from a Rainbow and yet he's successful in his SPS. If memory serve me right, his tank is also a Jewel tank. Meaning, tank thinness and whatever is either a myth or some pple just have a "lemon" tank that is bought straight off the shelf. The thread I link is a proof to that thinness of the tank may not be as important as you think if it's just 3' or so.
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