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Everything posted by neokn

  1. Not sure. Give them a buzz to check later in the noon lor.
  2. New Address of Bio-Ocean Aquarix 50 Ubi Ave 3 #03-17 Frontier Singapore 408866 Tel : 6242 5775
  3. No problem. Anyway, you shouldn't be able to get new stock of Daeil chiller in SG already as the current distributor of JBJ had made arrangement .. ...... .. .....
  4. Tapping extention of existing point shouldn't be too costly. Last I heard was $50/- per point but some do it for cheaper. Includes wire n socket outlet. Total rewiring for EC will cost you around $1k to $1.5k. Note: Re-wiring include removing of all existing wire, MCB n socket outlet. If your EC is built-to order unit with all wiring cover then according to HDB you're not suppose to dig them out. But you can rewire over them which means the wires will remain in your wall.
  5. CF got shipment of black ocellaris early this morning. Should be out of QT by tomorrow noon or Sun. But to play safe visit them on Sun.
  6. Good one bro. Now, I'm always with younger sister n my plasma tank as it's built into the wall.
  7. My Dear, They're twins. Hehehe. JBJ Lighting OEM from Daeil Korea.
  8. Price revised to $6/-. Cash n Carry.
  9. Picture of the LR with mini Red Coco worms
  10. Oh! By the way, pls bring along your own container.
  11. As titled. Yellow one will open to a palm size n other doesn't spread out type. Immediate collection available. I stay in Admiralty Drive near 3M factory. Pm me your contact n I'll get in touch. Price @ $8/- for the 2 of them n 1 free LR with some mini coco worm below it. LR is slightly bigger than the size of the closed fist.
  12. You're the man. When it comes to captive breeding shirmps. Look forward to other speciemen in the future,
  13. Just wanted to know. Coz if you're the consultant to his tank. I'll want it. hehehe
  14. Bro, Tank setup base on your recommendation?
  15. On behalf of Fuel The Peppermint Shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni, isn't the greatest cleaner, but at least they'll keep unwanted Aiptasia anemones in check. These fella don't come in often ever since PR close down as they are one of the few whom will frequently bring in these shrimps. Picture and note courtesy of www.webwetmedia.com
  16. Can post picture of the tank?
  17. 1. Why would your mushies detach from LR by themself? This is a problem. 2. No record of brain eating mushie have been reported. But every coral have their own way of defending themselves like toxic, so monitor your brain further. Coral doesn't have eye thus their basic instinct is to swallow anything that drops onto their mouth.
  18. No idea. But I got his sms this morning that it's sold.
  19. Shouldn't have any problem if you provide them with ample hiding place.
  20. Don't worry, reef isn't abt how expensive your tank, equipment or live stocks you have. It's abt the knowledge to keep these beautiful live stocks alive and well in your tank even if your tanks is a nano or a huge 6 footer.
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