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Everything posted by neokn

  1. Reddevil, u going there tomorrow? Sadly, I working tomorrow. Damn
  2. Thanks. See when we can go chiong LFS together. hehe
  3. Thanks. I'm crazy abt Zoas as always. Oh! btw these are just normal Zoas. Nothing to shout abt.
  4. Will post more Zoas pic once they recover. Also the Red yuma n some Discosoma. Enjoy
  5. White center with green outer ring n brown skirt
  6. A blur pic of my tri colour mix Zoas
  7. My current favourite now. Orange n pink with white skirt
  8. New update. I lost alot of precious Zoas due to my bad husbandry the last few month thus causing my tank to turn into a "planted" marine tank. Here are some picture update of my Zoas which I painful search for. Whole LR of Eagles eye
  9. Most likely upgrading or downgrading, coz the rest of the item aren't for sale.
  10. Nice growth you have there. True, I have yet seen anyone using a MH for their macro sump in SG. Normally, we use T5 or PL tube as electricity is pretty costly in SG.
  11. Very neat arrangement. Too bad most reefer here in SG doesn't stay in land property. Look forward to more picture. Keep up the good work.
  12. Mag float. I want. Where to collect?
  13. So far, I had bought numerous LS from them and none had the problem you mentioned. You might want to check you tank perimeter too.
  14. Bad husbandry for the last few months had caused the lost of numerous previous in my tank n had become "planted" marine tank. Trying to get back the old look currently, will post once the setup is ready. Might be acquiring a proper 4' setup now coz need to free up the study room for my 2 sons in the future.
  15. Finally, bro. U decided to show your tank. That's a long wait.
  16. Leopard Wrasse Macropharyngodon meleagris Intro flow to the area that have cyano that should solve the problem.
  17. Bro, you so hardcore Deltec huh! want to rob him of his skimmate?
  18. CF got 1 hybrid PBT. It's @ the 2nd tank on the left when you enter.
  19. It's a hardware store where lots of carpenter goes to get parts like handles etc. You might want to check out the hardware store in the industrial area in Tampines.
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