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Everything posted by dachkie

  1. that 1 got blown away to the abyss, couldnt take my waterflow and i din have supergluegel that day when i put it in i got no idea where it was, the yellow 1 is on the blasto rock, ya take with n82, thats the best i can achieve
  2. oh please, far from it, lol i'll be happy to just carry a not bad tag, still thinking how to fill up the wholes in between corals i like tang master's kind of pack to the brim look
  3. thanks bro, infact the 2 blue zoas are not so nice because they are really very small, 50 cents coin size only,last nite i had to hunt arn the tank because i couldnt find 1 of them hoping that they will grow fast, some of the other zoas are nice too but my camera dont do justice to them
  4. a few snapshots of my fishes, using hp camera is hard to catch them in action sorry for the blur shots my cleaner wrasse which has help me get rid of 2 ich outbreak, and he eats like a pig posing with my new fire goby, i cant seem to be able to keep any fire gobies alive , be it red , purple or helfrichi hopefully this 1 stays alive 1 of the 3 big brothers of the tank, eats like a pig, refusing to let me feed my corals with meat until i have to resort to feeding pellets, and he even pose for the camera the other 2, sohal and achilles tang who haven even have his teardrop out but already very nottie and my latest tang, came together with a chevron but the chevron couldnt make it, cute yellow eyes he's got oh last and not least, my RBTA, was red when i bought him then bleached and recovered , into this very interesting colour
  5. blackface from fragmaster some zoas i got from GO n other LFSs
  6. who say zoas need to be expensive to be nice, 4 colonies that i got from irwana yesterday
  7. eagle eyes that i got from nuclear fibre this 1 is closed because it just got shifted over to its new position
  8. now for my current fetish 2 of my blue zoas that i aquired recently from a nano tank reefer also from him a very nice specimen, purple ring in the centre
  9. 2 of my 5 supersuns, the rest were not in full glory so i did not take their pics
  10. here is my blastos corner, got them all from GO at offer price few months back close up shots
  11. another garden on the opposite side of the tank, thinking of destroying this garden and put the mushrooms elsewhere this is my favourite blue pimple seeing the texture, makes me feel like squeezing it
  12. my favorite garden, this is not at its full glory yet, when all polyps are fully open and stretched, they can almost cover the sandbed infront of them
  13. finally got time to take some close up pics and did a little remodelling of the corals and added 1 more pc of LR from cf to break the shape of the left mountain
  14. dachkie


    i got a delighting 250w dimmable with 3 ft alu stand u interested?
  15. hmmm i wonder what hobbies he will have when he goes out and work
  16. got got, i just bought 1, good price, still got 2 or 3 left
  17. dont bother with the seachem magnesium, its more salt then magnesium, thats y its so cheap u can use the brightwell, grotech or bro johntan has some mag chips in bottles as well
  18. in fr or filter sock, but bro remember to remove after 1 month, hearsay is after the carbon is saturated it will leech what it suck back into the tank
  19. dachkie

    LED Panel

    i'm sure the wait is worth it
  20. if ur water parameters are rite , u can just acclimate and then drop ur zoas in, should open by the next day, i prefer to drop after lights off thou so far all my zoas no problem
  21. bro i dun agree with this sentence, if u keeping fowlr then ok, if u keeping corals, the money spent to push up ur Ca and Mg is not gonna make it cheap
  22. eat poop good wad, better then a good skimmer lol
  23. can anybody help me? i was setting up my beckett then as i was filling up the beckett , water came out of the air nozzle and drip onto my iwaki mx70 which i did not notice then when i was ready to turn on the power , pooffff the lights went out and i saw a spark at the pump i then check the black box on the pump and the green/yellow wire was disconnected from the assembly but i could not find any sign of where did the wire come from, check online, googled, when to iwaki website and nuttin on wiring diagrams, would some1 with mx70 be so kind as to post a picture of where the green yellow wire is connected to on the pump thanks alot
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