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Everything posted by dachkie

  1. looks exactly like the sunsun model sold at alot of places
  2. yup i agree , at most u can keep is maybe a pair of shrimp or pymgy gobies with super limited feeding and religious weekly water changes damsels are just too big for this tank
  3. left last pc , clearing away for $50 , note its the old model with bolts and nuts instead of thumbscrew
  4. u can keep the nsw if u put in some LRs and put in a power head, basically ur just keeping the bacteria alive but not for too long also as there is no food source for them (Nh4 from fish ) they will still die and degrade water quality , thats y i am still a salt mix fan, make 100l of di water for 2 hours , throw in 3kg of salt , leave it to run with a powerhead for 24 hours and ready to water change, but i always have a spare 100l for emergencies
  5. i have dealt with him twice b4 ok guy lah, even willing to make arrangement to wait for me until 11+pm for dealing. at least he wasnt attempting to cheat by saying this item but turn out to be another thing and waste my time n petrol traveling and feeling pissed which i have experience a few times before but shall not mention names his is a case of willing seller and willing buyer. Kudos to him since he can spot the potential of the IQ3 at the show and bought a few extra pcs and managed to profit from it
  6. if u can try catching the female out n quarantine it then introduce the male she obviously dun like to be kao by guys going to her house, then u will have to let her go to the guy's house to kena kao
  7. ok paiseh , mine was tunze stream so can aim where i want the flow to go , then you just aim at the glass
  8. woah white rhinzo is nice , never seen it before, maybe i should try to bleach my rhinzo
  9. no leh bro i dun keep sps but my lps is happy with the flow of my tank also wad, its how u point the wavemaker, high turnover is always good
  10. point it upwards and against glass to create distorted waterflow so detritus is hard to settle on ur LRs , then ur water can be cleaner
  11. what kind of livestocks are you keeping? if you were previously not using chiller so i supos you are not keeping corals previously, if you want to cut down on ur bill then do not keep corals at all, you will find them sucky more of your money as u will need more and more equipments and all of them draw electricity irregardless of brands , and without corals u can stop using chiller and use fans instead. Leave the more sensitive livestocks until you are more experience and have the money to support the hobby which can be extremely costly
  12. nope , i still remember the day where i hang to engage help to get him out of the tank, after he is gone i finally have a chevron tang swimming happily in my tank
  13. since u said u just changed to a bigger tank , what is the equipment u changed? even 2x150mh only sucks arn $50 a month , my guess is chiller and return pump
  14. arn 2 o'clock i notice if i open too small there will be too much water vs air so micro bubbles start going into the tank , so i open until i hear the hissing sound from the valve then adjust cup to what type of foam i want but now i doing hypo treatment on my quarantine tank so the mce become a expensive air pump since salinity is too low now so cant foam
  15. there are alot of various type of octopus , and do note that they require large water volume because they are sensitive to nitrates and yet they are nitrate factories themselves, also they are hunters so if you keep them with fishes you will find a fishless tank sooner or later and no corals in the tank because they will get sting by the polyps , and lastly and the most irritating part , you need a octopus proof tank because they will either climb out and u get dried tibit to eat in the morning or you will see mince meat coming out of your return pump ( i seen that happen to last mimic octopus ) you sure you still want a octopus? of course if you can provide all the above then its interesting to have 1 as a pet but not the tiny 1s you usually see , i would suggest getting cuttlefish over octopus , much much easier to care for and just as interesting especially when they flash their colours go to tonmo.com to find out more about cehlapods care
  16. yup nice healthy and eating , pop 1 into my tank and he looks happy
  17. lol deltec thread mah , but ya my complain is that the collection cup is too small
  18. lck alot, got blue got yellow head hybrid
  19. wah u scary , i just bought a new wrasse u also know ?!?! best part is it just went into the tank a few mins ago
  20. wah bro 5am still awake , feeding little solo?? ok sneak peak of the foam on day 1
  21. ok for sure i never regret my decision, install at 1830hrs and at 1930 it is skimming with nice dark and dry foam head already, pics will be posted tomorow
  22. can calibrate also , if i not wrg it should be F03 or F04 then u play arn with -1 and 1 you get to it using the password method also
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