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Everything posted by dachkie

  1. Hi any1 has Sohal or Chevron to let go? or seen it in any lfs? been searching for smaller size 1 but til now no results
  2. got a 4ft HO t5 set from aquamarim to sell at $120 with 2 or 3 extra tubes bought from bro peong few months back for my 3.5ft tank now change to 5ft tank so the lights no longer suitable price is fixed as i spent $100 changing all the end caps and changing the eballast as the old 1 was spolit after 1 month, now the eballast is external with a long enuff wire so u can keep it at a waterfree place and also lesser heat on the light fixture itself for pictures please refer to bro peong thread collection in tampines its the 1 with the led Pictures of t5 set
  3. Hi i got a ph test pen bought from aquamarin , 5 months ago but use less than 5 times, then i forgot to off it and battery drain until finish, i will replace the batteries n calibrate for buyer before selling, going for $40 , reason for selling is i using a american pinpoint ph monitor so no need for this pen now
  4. anyway went to the changi coast area few months back and i see nuttin but a few crabs, and a dead horseshoe crab and tons of snails
  5. like to leak electric, mine used to until i got so fed up i threw it away, if u using this better get a titanium probe
  6. my percula pair swim around the tank during lights on , then once lights off they will go to my green prata at the sandbed, look like a big round sofa bed for the 2 of them
  7. hey bluenassa, nice tanks they got in that thread ,inspirational i like the 1 with the grape algae all over the tank, looks like my 2 ft hospital tank is gonna become a marine planted soon
  8. my method is take a syringe, fill it up with vinegar attack the pesky bugger, and see it turn white, no bad effects to my tank water, of course small amounts , stupid bugger made me rescape my tank because of it
  9. i got rocks to give away, but u will really have to wash them as they are now in my old tank with stale seawater, if u not urgent then u can wait til the water turn clear then u take, i think should have easily arn 20kg or more
  10. wah bro so fast, i need to get some more chaeto from you again, now my new tank very pods free, got new harvest pm me k thanks
  11. resting time i depending on how much equipments u have inside the tank that is adding to the heat of the water, the more watts u have the lesser the rest time. and also depending on where u place the probe, my experience is the best place for the probe is in the main tank. cooling is depending on the flow of the return pump , arn 3000lph to 5000lph is best, so far this chiller is not bad. and the external controller rocks
  12. lol bro u so lazy to drill that hole in ur cabinet ar?\
  13. paccool chillers are very efficient, gd buy upz for u bro
  14. quick quick invest in tonga, maybe next time can resell for $50/kg
  15. Hi guys, i want to trade my Skimz FR150(big model) for the FR120(smaller model) as the 150 couldn't fit into my sump compartment and i dun want to run it externally as i want that space for my CO2 tank. so anyone looking for free upgrade? but please i will only accept good condition FR120 as mine is only 3 months old and perfect condition sms me at 9745 9977
  16. bro whats the actual length of the fixture
  17. Hi guys, i will have a pac cool 3/4hp ice-shard series chiller for sale in 2 weeks time once my air con compressor unit is up, currently chiller is running on my 5x2.5x2 with 4ft sump running on 1x250 mh and 1x150w mh plus t5 54wx2 , can cool my tank from 28c to 26c in 1.5hr, fantastic chilling performance only downside is heat and compressor humming noise. price at $400, collection only after my new compressor is up
  18. thanks guys, but as i am leaving for kl and no time to watch the tank, i decided to remove those rocks that have black patches instead, rather then risk it henry next month gonna have to go ur place get some more probotics to dose, luckily i still had 1 last packet from the last time, so i used it on my 5ft to aid in cycling
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