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Everything posted by abartolo

  1. I need some help identifying these flakes which just appeared in my new cycling tank. No animals in here yet. 3 weeks into cycling. This stuff is also costing the inside lining of my hoses flakes off and appears in the tank. Only thing I have added in the last 24 hours was distilled drinking water to top off. Am not concerned as I'm new into the cycle but would love to learn what this is. Thanks Newbie Reefer. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. There was a post here on the forum in the last day or two from joby553 offering one up. Otherwise try on Carousell. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Reserved Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Starting out a new tank and have too much rock. Happy to provide FOC to anyone willing to collect. There are about 6 pieces about 5-8 kgs available. Collection in Hougang off Payer Lebar Rd. Available for collection from Thursday. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Thanks all. This was really helpful. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Ok newbie questions... So cycling my tank 2x2x1.5 and you guys have taught me that patience is the name of the game. With the idle time I have bought a chiller Hailea HS 28A. Now I'm looking at the best way to plumb it. It's an IOS tank setup by the way... In my return section of the IOS system I have an Altman 104 power head that has adjustable flow with a max of 2000 LPH. My Chillers acceptable rate is 400-1200 LPH. Can I just take the line directly off my existing and only power head and send straight down to chiller then from chiller back up into the main tank? I figure that would save me adding another powerhead (and heat) into the tank just to run the chiller. Thoughts? 2nd question, hoses, the chiller has fittings for different size hoses, is bigger the better or does the diameter of hose really matter at all given it's all a function of the power head ? head? Photo of my return section and power head. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. I'm cycling a new tank and looking for: 1. A small chiller for a 130 liter tank 2. any new sand anyone is willing to let go PM me to arrange. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Thank you. Makes sense. I would never have worked that out on my own. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Does anyone have a list of the acronyms used in this forum. As a newcomer it can get confusing at times. P.S: can someone start by telling me what Ups or Upz means. P.P.S: I'm sure I'll feel stupid when I actually find out what it means. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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