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Everything posted by Sedraxis

  1. Haha yea but still very empty so have to slowly add in corals bit by bit.. now with nemolight I'm getting algae growth already.. should need another snail soon..
  2. Alright I solved the issue, apparently I put too much filter wool hence restrict the water flow rate into the ios.. I reduce it and it all working well now..
  3. Alright will try that method see how it goes..
  4. Sorry still new to this, what's rbta stand for? And I tried reducing water lvl but the oil at the surface doesn't flow into the ios.. still trying to find a way to get rid of it zzz
  5. Still waiting for my Nemolight to arrive before I stock up on corals
  6. Hmmm alright will try to lower the water level and see how it goes..
  7. Just an updated.. It's week 5 now & I've added 2 clown fish into the tank.. both are eating well and happily swimming around their new tiny home.. However I got a question, is there anyway to get rid of the surface oil? I'm feeding the clownfish with Seachem marine flakes, and the food seem to generate quite abit of oil..
  8. Yea I have a dymax skimmer and a chiller running round the clock.. it's been 4 weeks alrdy and tank seems okay.. changed 25% water and added salt.. as for bacteria wise I'm using caribsea live sand so there should be bacteria in it already.. thnx for your input!! Still much to learn for me..
  9. Yea i washed the rock before placing in the tank, sand wise i didn't.. tank seems okay after i added a tiny piece of prawn and cycled for 4weeks.
  10. Ahhh alright tyvm.. will continue to monitor it..
  11. Hi I just started learning about saltwater tank not too long ago and want to start out small.. I got a IQ7 acrylic tank I bought awhile ago and I'm gonna used my previous 1ft fw tank as a quarantine tank.. I've started with getting a dry rock and filled the tank with saltwater (tap water mixed with prime) and letting it run for a few days (with IQ5 skimmer) while I try to monitor the salinity before adding live sand into the tank. After adding the sand in water turned cloudy which was normal and I let it be.. after a few hours water was clear but after 1 day water starts to be cloudy, I haven added anything in yet.. only thing I did was topping of water and measuring the salinity twice a day.. Anyone can tell me why is it cloudy??
  12. Hmmm alright then will have to try to do that then.. thanks!
  13. anyone got a calculator for acrylic tank? these calculator here only have it for glass material..
  14. Hi bro may I ask where u get this chiller from and it's cost??
  15. Need uh currently it's still a fw crayfish tank need to clean it up first.. Just a question about setting up a quarantine tank: Both tank the water parameters are different for sure how do we get the livestock from A->B or B->A?
  16. Alright that means I either need to overhaul my fw tank or get another tank.. simple filter meaning?? Hang on pump with filter materials?
  17. Hi I'm new to SW tank and planning to make a small one feet marine tank.. do I need to set up a quarantine tank?
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