Hi All, I started this hobby back in 2008 with 90G mix reef but due to work relocation I have to sold decommissioned it in 2012. These past 2 years I mainly keep freshwater tanks (planted tank discus, African chiclids etc) but just last month decided to start reefing again. Hence, here is my newly setup reef after 1+ month.
Tank: 45x45x45cm (25G)
AI Vega with 30%W & 50%B intensities (7hrs/day)
BM QQ skimmer
Skimz circulation pump
Ecotech MP10W
Rowaphos and Denitrate filter media
Ammonia / Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: 15, Phosphate: 0.25, KH: 12, Salinity: 1.023, Calcium: 420
Now I believe I got few brown diatom algae on my sand bed which hopefully will go away on its own. Any advise?
Feel free to comment / feedback.