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Everything posted by Puncak82

  1. How do you increase PH while maintaining KH?
  2. Rescape and updated...added few nassarius snails and a two spot goby to stir and clean the sand bed covered with algae.
  3. Rescape and updated...added few nassarius snails and a two spot goby to stir and clean the sand bed covered with algae.
  4. Rescape and updated...added few nassarius snails and a two spot goby to stir and clean the sand bed covered with algae.
  5. This chart is from live aquaria. The website contain lots of good info on fish, corals etc.
  6. They like medium light & flow
  7. Hi All, I started this hobby back in 2008 with 90G mix reef but due to work relocation I have to sold decommissioned it in 2012. These past 2 years I mainly keep freshwater tanks (planted tank discus, African chiclids etc) but just last month decided to start reefing again. Hence, here is my newly setup reef after 1+ month. Tank: 45x45x45cm (25G) AI Vega with 30%W & 50%B intensities (7hrs/day) BM QQ skimmer Skimz circulation pump Ecotech MP10W Rowaphos and Denitrate filter media Ammonia / Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: 15, Phosphate: 0.25, KH: 12, Salinity: 1.023, Calcium: 420 Now I believe I got few brown diatom algae on my sand bed which hopefully will go away on its own. Any advise? Feel free to comment / feedback.
  8. You can use normal dry rocks but cycling will be longer.
  9. How you bring them to SG? Through check-in bag (cabin) or luggage? Do we have to declare them at custom?
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