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Everything posted by Puncak82

  1. I tried to put my clown fish and BTA together in a bucket. After 2 hours, my clown seem to host the anemone. Then, I put back both of them into my tank and until now my clown never try to even get near the anemone. Any idea?
  2. Thank for the information. I heard coral beauty and flame angel will nip at corals on a small tank (30 gallon and below) unless we keep them well fed. Is this true? any other advise?
  3. Yes agreed..works on my bubble coral too
  4. I use Reef Roids to feed my coral twice a week
  5. I got brown algae on my live sand...is this a bad thing?
  6. Anybody know where can I get adult size of this fish? Checked Iwarna (pasir ris) they only have small one
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