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Everything posted by Kamil

  1. Thank you! But I won’t be able to keep sps like SSC right? My no id green Acro is doing alright tho, colours are maintaining. I’m currently dosing Redsea buffer, calcium, magnesium and no pox.
  2. Added a (not so) tricolour pocci yesterday. Hopefully will be able to colour it up with these Budget lights.
  3. Thanks man! It’s a neon green Kenya tree if I’m not mistaken
  4. Here is a recent FTS taken after my water change and some random photos taken with a macro lens. Hope to learn more from all the gurus here!
  5. Hi everyone, took over this tank from a friend a month back. The tank had been running for 2 years prior. The tank set is as mentioned, running the Zetlight Zt6800, biopellets, UV and an ATS. Thought it would be good to document my tank journey here.
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