adopted a panther before. Then start realising that my common clown, damsel, chromis start t mia. Big appetite.
better do a "roll-call" once i a while . when you star to have missing fishes, then that's the time to pan fry the panther
Hi tomowilson, i am fine. Still in the process of building up my 3ft barebottom.
thanks for refreshing my memories on the price of the profantec fan. generally i feel price is higher. the shop that i bought from is across the field of that tropical fish shop may not be there anymore.
i guess that your is a 3ft?
my experience on 6-in-1 on my 3ftx2ftx2ft is that it only brings down about 1 degree. i change to 2x profantec running on 24/7, this maintain my tank at 29 degree but the down side is EVAPORATION of about 1 litres per day.