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Everything posted by soggycookies

  1. increase surface agitation with a wavemaker or 2 or a return line nozzle Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. thanks! i got this from a fellow reefer here. it looks better in videos hahahah Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Long polyp leathers are always a pleasure to see swaying in high flow. Here’s another long-polyp specimen in my collection. This one is 5 times the size of the one in my previous post, but the former is still my favorite! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. After observing this sarcophyton over a couple of weeks, I’m convinced it is a lumi green variant of a ‘weeping willow’ toadstool leather after all. It has the longest polyps of all my other toadstools despite being one of the smaller frags. Glad that I finally found one after searching for so long(and just before the cb too), and in a striking teal-green color as well! Credits to De Aquatic for bringing in the shipment Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Currently running the turbotwist with a 1,800Lph pump (approx. 475 Gph). Thinking of swapping to something with lower flow between 1,000~1,400 Lph considering my goal with the uv install to begin with was pathogenic management. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. more photos of this simple install of a coralife turbotwist x12(36w) over my tank: Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. cool cost-savvy setup. what are you dosing with the kamoer? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. A couple of my favorite wrasses in my 300G. photos both taken after QT before adding into the main display Female Halichoeres leucurus specimen: Juvenile Halichoeres thalassoma specimen: The Moon wrasse(H. Thalassoma) has grown from about 4” to 6” since I got him. Identified as a male since it flashes in the evening when the lights dim and he changes from a predominantly green to a stunning blue all-round Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. some of my favorite leathers: Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. More toadstool shots. really easy corals to keep, and some have very unique polyp characteristics Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. My favorite mushroom I got back in 2017 that survived the major crash of my old 5ft system. lost 2 large polyps but it’s been doing well ever since recovering Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. another species of clown in my tank. it’s not what most would recommend, but it’s not impossible to keep different species in the same system if it’s large enough. here’s my clarkii clown hosting a bubbletip anemone. he shares the tank with a tomato clown and an ocellaris clown pair. they all get along fine in a 300G Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. yeah. uv works the same way with ich actually, they only deal with the free-swimming stage protozoans. sometimes it’s not just the fish that carry it, but anything else that is introduced to the tank. overall ime as long as the outbreak doesn’t get out of control and the fish have been well-established, they can survive. i’ve dealt with velvet twice before despite quarantining my fish. it wiped my tank once, but didn’t kill a single fish in the other instance. polyplab definitely helped but i chose to run a uv sterilizer now to manage the population. even 2 whole bottles of medic isn’t adequate for the recommended dose assuming 3x strength on a 300g system over 20days. QT and choosing fish wisely is effective no doubt, but the parasite may still come in on any other thing you put into the tank. i just suay kena twice. ever since then i didn’t bother with full fish quarantine(because not quarantining coral and inverts still leaves you at risk either way) but i do proactively dip/treat fish & coral before putting them in. and never make the same mistake of adding too many fish at once or of the same species.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. i got the coralife turbotwist x12. was actually thinking of getting the same deltec uv sterilizer as you initially but due to space constraints decided on coralife instead. same, i decided to install one to manage ich and velvet pathogens in the water, especially those that might come in on and hatch from the rocks/frags of new coral i put in. it’s a nice bonus that the water is clear without running activated carbon too Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. what uv are you running bro? also curious to know what your goal with it is. i recently installed a uv sterilizer on my system myself, but i think it’s still too soon to say if it was worth it Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. just cut up some shrimp into small pieces and add to the tank but make sure it sinks so the hermits can get it before it goes into the filtration Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. Recently tweaked for a shorter photoperiod of peak light intensity on the 300G while increasing the peak intensity slightly Curious to know if anyone else is using the Maxspect RSX light fixtures, and what sort of schedule you run it on. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. for CUC and to keep your sand looking clean, i’d go for nassarius snails in a smaller system, or conch(gong-gong) snails in a larger one. You could also go for a sand-sifting goby that isn’t a finicky eater species(like a diamond goby) if you don’t plan to also keep a bristletooth(ctenochaetus) tang like a kole tang. IME these guys are extremely aggressive towards anything that resembles an algae blenny, even gobies. for their size, their aggression is quite surprising sometimes. another thing to keep in mind is.. when stocking angels that aren’t from the genus genicanthus, there’s definitely gonna be a lot of trial-and-error in compatibility with the majority of coral except sps. In my experience zoas are the most likely to be eaten, followed by acans, scolys, lobos and sometimes star polyps. so you might wanna reconsider that emperor angel of your goal is a mixed reef. i managed to keep a blue-ring angel in my reeftank but decided to roll only with softies like leathers(fingers, trees, colt and toadstools), gsp, clove polyps, xenia and mushrooms. in the beginning it cleared an entire 20x20cm rock of cheap zoas and some acan frags I had in less than 2 months and nipped the one torch coral i had till it receded and died. thankfully it didn’t touch any of my other coral. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. yeah the aluminium possibly leeching from marinepure is definitely a concern especially for more sensitive coral. what fish & coral are you looking to stock up on? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. And seahorses in my Mangrove setup at one point. Decided they were too high-maintenance and I was taking care of multiple systems at that time so I eventually let them go Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. Back when I was keeping cuttlefish in my post-FOWLR setup while running my old 5” tank fallow Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. perhaps one of the rarest toadstools i’ve seen. ultra-luminous green base with deep purple polyps. Gradually acclimated it to higher light to promote its growth. Looking forward to see it expand in size! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. My 3-year old ocellaris clown hosting different softies at different points of time: Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  24. my mini toadstool garden. placed them this way in the hopes of getting different sarcophyton types to grow alongside one another to eventually form an island of different toadstools. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  25. some of the gsp variants in my system: Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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