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Everything posted by soggycookies

  1. more growth on one of my fav softies in my system: the pulsing pink sinularia Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Bought from FnM just before circuitbreaker. Bought for $125, letting it go for $80 Reason: Got myself a Flipper Max and have stopped using the tunze magnet since collection in Pasir Ris pm or whatsapp 9six3six0seven4zero if interested Looking to trade for 4-5inch kenya tree variants or pink nepthea too Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Update: Due to overwhelming response, everyone who’s requested for some gets a teh-o plastic bag’s worth. no bargaining for more hahaha Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. From a fishless harvest. Would appreciate a drink if you’re swinging by shengshiong nearby haha pm if interested. collection in Pasir Ris Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. i’ve always relied on cupramine in a qt/hospital tank for (most)species that should be fine with copper. i think the common misconception is that certain fish are sensitive to copper, when actually all fish are sensitive to copper(have had clowns and a damsel die during copper treatment but a regal angel and halichoeres wrasse survive it w/o issue), Some just ever so slightly more than others. Unfortunately it’s also stressful on the fish, so you might want to gradually bring the copper to therapeutic levels(0.25 at minimum, i always go for 0.3 if i worry the fish can’t take the full dose of 0.5 mg/cm3) If you want to dose medication without taking your fish out of your reeftank you could try Polyplab Medic. IME it’s effective on ich but not on marine velvet. Also, avoid dosing directly into the main display, and try to mix it in a separate container of tankwater before adding, as polyplab medic is essentially hydrogen peroxide. It will also clear some of your algae population, so expect a potential rise in nutrient levels during the course of dosage. I’ve also had the product bleach a couple of anemones, so I don’t believe it is completely reef-safe. Another thing I’ve tried is installing a UV steriliser as a form of parasite management(for pathogenic parasites like ich, velvet, brook). Not gonna go into the nitty-gritty but the TLDR is: For it to be effective you need a low flow through the UV unit with an adequate wattage for your total system volume. Personally I’ve found it effective at managing both ich and velvet, assuming not all your fish are already showing signs of an outbreak. Dipping your fish in freshwater or a medicated bath(e.g. Paraguard, which I swear by after/when acclimating fish before adding them to any of my tanks) definitely helps minimise the risk of introducing parasites into your main tank but isn’t foolproof. IME all of these work, you just have to pick which one suits your circumstances best. Hope this helps cheers Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Giving away fine grain sand, approx. 40kg total. Reason: switching to coarser grain sand/gravel for new build. As per title, sand has been sitting in water running at constant 1.024 salinity without fish since early May. Collection in Pasir Ris pm or whatsapp 9six3sixzero74zero if interested Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Definitely my favorite short-polyp Toadstool: A lumi-green base sarcophyton with purple polyps: Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. All taken cheers Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. For some reason pom-pom pulsing xenias grow really slowly in my tank but these pink non-pulsing ones have grown dense and bushy in just a few months Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. Update on the lumi-tip weeping willow I got at De Aquatic from their South African shipment Then (early April this year): VS Now: Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Looking for the above specimen of Sinularia dura/brassica. Ideally lumi/neon/toxic green. please pm if you have a piece to let go. any sightings at LFS would be much appreciated as well. cheers Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Also thought of getting a tang of some sort or a rare rabbitfish for algae control. (Perhaps a gem tang in the future cause I’ve never had one of those before) Porcupinefish is currently in a temporary 140L QT tub while I get the system ready. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. Decided to do away with most if not all of my mangroves that were already moved from a separate system to my 4ft and go back to the old faithful FOWLR setup. Also removed the few fish that were in it previously like a 9” Batfish so this system is pretty much tabula rasa. Beginning again this time with a locally collected porcupine puffer! Planning to turn this 180G(4x2.5x2.5ft) back into a relatively peaceful setup with docile and interactive fish. Here’s my stocking plan so far:(the only thing I have currently is the porcupine puffer) - Longspine porcupinefish - Longhorn Cowfish(maybe) - Red-Breasted Wrasse - Chain-line Wrasse - Blueface Angel - Gold Nugget Clowns - Feathery Filefish Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. what is this special blend you’re adding? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. following Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. i got a 4-stage unit from rms. produces 0 tds water and with the booster pump, at a rate of about 5L per 4-5mins Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. Looking for the above to host my tomato clown. The bigger the better. (don’t mind multiple closely clustered on same rock either) pm/whatsapp 9six3six07fourzero with photos thanks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. seaweed collected, vitalis grazer and ocean nutrition pellets pending collection Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. all reserved for collection Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. Giving away the items below. Reason: Fish don’t really fancy these and I don’t have enough herbivores lol Julian Sprung’s Sea Veggies by TLF (sealed, not opened yet) New Era/Vitalis Marine Grazer (around 75% left) Ocean Nutrition Formula Two Pellets(small, about 80% left) Collection in Pasir Ris. Whatsapp nine6three607four0 to arrange Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. can try getting from madpetz, they sell those Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. Some notable fish at Coral Farm earlier today: Ribbon Eels Snowflake Eels miniatus groupers Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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