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Everything posted by lastmanstanding

  1. does it work best with a skimmer? I dun have a skimmer though...
  2. any products to recommend to bring nitrate down? All I am doing now is changing water every week to bring nitrate down...
  3. YUP... the clown is in the tank for 4 days.... whats the diff between brine and mysis shrimp? I thought the mysis shrimp is better.... but both seems to be the same size to me....
  4. oh... smaller bite size... I notice that it will take a bite of the food at first, before splitting it out.... Is it that the food is too big for the clown fish?
  5. oh.... but my ammonia peak for quite a while, then nitrite.... after that, ammonia 0.... after a few days, nitrite 0... then nitrate increase... I have changed water to bring the nitrate down... So is is cycled?
  6. ya, i am sure that it is fully cycled... ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5 is all these enough?
  7. Just bought a clown fish and have been in the newly cycled tank for about 4 days. but, it doesnt seems to be eating when i feed it with flakes food or mysis shrimp... furthermore, it always stay at the top of my power head... what is happening? the clown is is very small... less than 1 inch i think... help!
  8. yup, i want it at $8... is it still avaliable? PMed you...
  9. haha.... should have say earlier... I just finish cycling my tank.... now looking for LS.... (finally...) btw, i live in yishun too...
  10. Is it still available? where is the collection place? If yes, please PM me...
  11. Have PM you... interested in taking care of the clown fish
  12. will there be any LS on sale? looking for some common/percula clownfish...
  13. Thank you bro... now waiting for the ph to be stable.... add in some buffers two days ago... EAquarist? thats good... will be going tis weekend as i am getting a book from them also....
  14. Any LFS to recommend for buying LS? will be stocking up my first marine tank tis week.... cycling finally over! Thinking of buying from Farmart, is it a good place for LS? Thanks to all who have help me greatly in my first marine tank!
  15. In that case... I guess I got to walk.... pretty near the makeshift AMK interchange ar?
  16. Yeah... Thanks all.... Farmart is also very accessible...btw, is the LS there cheap?
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