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Everything posted by lastmanstanding

  1. u can try petmart...... saw it there last week..... price is reasonable too....
  2. Yup, I do have one 10 litre too. Routine includes changing of water every week. I try to keep a max of 3 to 4 fishes only..... Having nanos first will let u learn the basic the hard and painful way.....
  3. IMO, it will kills all living organism floating in the water. i believe that UV only kills suspended Ich bacteria in the water and not those that is already on the fish.... am i right? hehe...
  4. interested in the 1" PL light.... do you sell separately?
  5. yup.... a good LFS for fish.... if want equipment.... I will go for petmart...
  6. anyone know where can get paired clown fish? percula and normal pair... thanks
  7. It seems the he is buying though..... exchange with cash?
  8. Pm me if you wan to sell your shrimp...
  9. nice fox face... should buy more.... look nice when they swim together...
  10. I have an acrylic 1.5ft... IMO, it work really fine to me... although your bio load may be small, be prepared to change around 20% of the water every week cos it helps to keep the nitrate level down.... equipment side, i use a eheim hang on filter and a small PH.... so far, the LS are still alive and happily eating.... converting it to a all shrimp tank soon! haha... gd luck for your first nano set up!
  11. Anyone spotted any paired clownfish anywhere? .. except CF.... lol
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