Has anyone watched the movie Open Water? At the end of the show, they actually showed you how they fished out a shark, sliced its 2 fins off, then cut the under belly so that they can dig through its stomach to show you what the shark had swallowed. And would you believe it, they fish out an underwater camera that was used in the show (where the male lead lost it when he was lost at sea).
That would mean that they purposely allowed a shark to swallow the damn camera, then killed the shark and show you where the camera is in its body!
You can even hear the crew who were slicing the shark up laughing as they find the camera.
I think that footage was very unnecessary and appears that the shark was killed just to show the camera it swallowed.
Mammals were harmed in the making of this production and they have trivalized the mortality of sharks.
I am outraged by their actions and I hope fellow reefers will do their bit by protesting against this cruel and inhumane act.