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Everything posted by yuji

  1. hmm.. the algae looks quite nice. haha. how come my tank doesn's have that kinda algae? all i get are ugly, stupid algae on the glass surface of my tank.
  2. maybe it isn't true percula you purchased?
  3. Hi. What's the diff. between macro needlewheel skimmer and prizm skimmer? which one do you guys think is better? any website where i can check out the macro needlewheel skimmer? (or any brands you can recommend) tks.
  4. anyone has a pic of SLF? I have no idea how they look like.
  5. On closer look, I can see tiny dots of green color things on the glass of my tank. What are they? I am not able to take a photo as they are very small. I had to really notice to see it.
  6. hmm.. i don't mind paying for quality. where can i buy mulberry? you know the apple store that sells the skins, its just cheap rubber plastic (looks like hardened rubber condoms to me) and its selling for close to $50! that's absurb.
  7. do you know where i can buy the brand mulberry?
  8. why do u say sea apple is a time bomb? what will it do?
  9. My scallop was a healthy fella. Then I transfered it to less than ideal conditions. When I transfered it back to my main tank, i noticed the shell was closed. After a while, it started to open, and now its wide open. But the 'electric' and red tentacles are gone and shrinked. Will the scallop regrow these back in time? Or is the scallop gone for good? (shucks, I should never have removed the scallop from my main tank)
  10. I'm looking to buy the iPod Mini armband and skin, but the Apple store sells them very expensively (a skin goes for like $49), and its not even original with the apple logo. I was wondering if there are other brands out there that has such accessories for the iPod Mini, for instance like Braun Bauffel, Crumpler etc. Anyone has an idea?
  11. I have 2 sets of iPod Mini screen sticker covers to prevent scratches on the screen for sale. Each set has 2 stickers. I bought a pack and it has 3 sets (more than I will ever need). So I'm selling off a set (2 stickers) each at $5. Anybody keen pls PM me. Tks.
  12. do you know where i can buy them? haven't been seeing any sea cumumbers. btw, would sea apples do the same job? what abt nudibranch?
  13. i had a coral beauty once too, and it wasn't eating 2. i fed it frozen mysis shrimp and brine shrimps but it just doesn't eat. hmm.. maybe all coral beauties have an 'appetite' problem.
  14. what is a black cake? (if that is what u r trying to say)
  15. hi. where do u stay? i've got 2 small pieces of live rocks. can let you have both for $5.
  16. i have a lionfish, boxer shrimp and a yellow-tail damsel for sale, all for $15. i have to get rid of it soon to prevent tank bio-overload, so pls let me know asap. Tks. (i will also include 2 small pieces of live rocks that i'm not using)
  17. My white substrate keeps getting dirty with the waste of the fishes and other things. I want to buy a fish/invert to help clean my substrate by eating up the poo and dirt. Anyone has any to recommend? Would appreciate your help. Tks!
  18. i feed by boxfish frozen food. they loved them!
  19. ya, its a sign that ur anemone is dying. you gotta get it out of the tank immediately, otherwise ur tank will crash. its not gonna be a pretty sight.
  20. hmm.. what is so funny about the robot that you are afraid we may comment on?
  21. i read something along the lines of HP selling its 20GB iPods at $508, while Apple is $548. Is that right? It also appears that HP's iPods have got fanciful designs on its covers. I wonder if that is really gonna come out in stores?
  22. can't seem to find the link now though. anyone knows where is it? he has the entire set-up in black, including the substrate.
  23. you can try feeding it planktonic food. you also need light for the jellyfish to survive.
  24. Anyone has any idea which retailer to buy an iPod from would be better?
  25. as above. or you can buy both my lionfish (6 inch) and boxer shrimp (4 inch) for $12.
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