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Everything posted by yuji

  1. when the yellow anemone died it leaked out yellow color liquid. does that mean it is dyed? what a pity, i paid quite a bit for it.
  2. My sebae anemone is still alive and fishes seem to do fine too.
  3. Specifications: model: PL013W/41 Input Voltage: 10-14 Volts (DC) Size: 56 cm X 8.2 cm X 4.5 cm Weight: 360g Adapter not included. Selling at $25. rg.tif
  4. without sand i think u might need a refugium.
  5. you want to use it for some kinky ideas is it? haha! actually those kinky shops have them, or you can try those games shop for board games and such. you can also try those shops selling gifts and cards.
  6. i use stability by seacheam. it works quite well for me.
  7. I've got 2 chromis for sale. Bought on impulse. Want to sell for $7 for both. If swopping, I preferably want a tomato clown or any other fishes you can offer. Tks.
  8. hi. sorry, my knowledge is very limited. don't mind me asking, but are u selling just the tubes or does it come with the housing (casing)? If it doesn't come with it, how much more do I have to pay for the housing? Tks.
  9. hi moxa! hee, i always stack the flat solid pieces right at the bottom so as to create a firm base. later on can add others like softies on top. btw, where's your pic of your tank? cheers.
  10. btw, the rest are still for sale, place of collection at marsiling.
  11. sorry blue-cheek goby not for sale as it died. dunno why, but it seem to be choking on some food and then.. keke. didn't know fishes can choke. dunno to laugh or cry at the loss.
  12. tomato clown, yellow wrasse, blue-cheek goby and six-line wrasse at $5 each, or buy all 4 fishes for only $16. urgent. having problems with my tank so got to let go these fishes.
  13. its smaller than 1 ft or 1 ft. nothing more than that. the whole set goes, and that includes the lights.
  14. most of the time its the little kids going 'mummy, see! nemo!'. then the parents get interested, ask how much, say its cheap and buy them without basic knowledge on marine life. poor fishes.
  15. includes small tank, small hang-on filter, filter media (sponge), termometer and blue/white lights.
  16. as above. collection point in woodlands.
  17. Went to aquastar on friday. goodness, they changed all their tanks, new set-up. i think the water was not ready, for many fishes were dying. tsk tsk, they didn't even notice the dying fishes till a customer had to inform them that something's not right. hmm..
  18. i don't know if its reef safe, but i do see my batfish pecking on my live rocks.
  19. my anemone also move to the back and stay there. i can hardly see it. wonder why it chooses that spot. i'll try vincent's suggestion. tks.
  20. hi^5 dude! the one i have is the same as yours! haha! in fact, i saw a butterfly fish too, but it was too fast for me. btw, its not always you get nice fishes. its luck. most of the time, its just some small ikan bilis schooling ard.
  21. ya i was really lucky! feeding it forzen brine shrimps and mysid. it eats!
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