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Everything posted by DigBick

  1. I do agree with slimy. I strongly urge all victims to consider the benefit of our community as well as new or upcoming reefers. Your inconvenience now will bring good to both our community as well as upcoming new reefers whom are mainly of young age. Imagine young reefers who save their pocket money to get a 2nd hand set up and unknowingly reef in it. What kind of aftermaths is there for them to handle? Do you think their parents will allow them to continue reefing? Will our community be able to last without new reefers joining in hobby? Your little bit of time now and to bring him to justice will do many good instead of letting him get away and think everything is actually normal to over promise and outsell his own integrity for that little bit of money in return. Since the mods are doing something about it. Do play a part and pm the mods. Thank you. Good karma will come to you victims. And remember this is when the time karma strike for the predator.
  2. Easier to just gather everyone and report police since he did scam some sellers into passing him things and he'll pay later. Sometimes. It's not the money that people have lost. Is the effort people have put into as well as trust. If I were to be the one that got cheated. I'll rather spend such little money and see this little a**hole burn in jail.
  3. Hmmm. Actually. If the mod ready wants. They could have ban his mac address as well as ip. Just saying. Not sure if the kids will actually do smth about it. I really do hope they do.
  4. Hahahaha. Even if mod were to do smth about it. It's not gonna stop him from opening new account and do the same thing. Disgrace our community to the max.
  5. Hmmm. Coincidentally, the door top right corner marks look similar.
  6. I agree with bro evo. The cabinet is made of mdf board which will give way sooner or later if soak up sufficient water.
  7. I'll take the 2nd frag. Seems like cannot pm.
  8. Per polyp or per frag? For the 1&2
  9. Do remember to open the gate valve and air intake fully for running in. Happy reefing.
  10. All new skimmer will have this issue. Need run in.
  11. Yes. Have to remove. All single cell algae will be affected.
  12. Looking for some too. Need to reseed my tank. Location northeast.
  13. I'll suggest 20mm if rimless. But 15mm should be alright. As tank builder's recommendation will be what they should be responsible if the tank wall warp and breakdown.
  14. Whatsapp me. 97292065. I can harvest some for you. But you might need to bring a bag along to store the chaeto. Location hougang.
  15. Gsp and golden clove at $20 or $20 each?
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