Alk 8 (api) Calcium 440 (salifert) Magnesium 1400 (salifert) Phosphate undetectable (salifert) Nitrate undetectable (salifert) Potassium 250 (salifert) Just found out how low my potassium levels were 2 days ago now using potassium chloride to raise the levels 10ppm per day to 400. For nitrate im adding calcium nitrate to raise nitrate by 2.5ppm per day but test kit will show undetectable on the next day. ( might be increasing dosage till i can maintain around 5ppm) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
A,B - $10
C,D,E,F,G - $15
H - $25
I,J - $20
K - $5
L,M - $10
Contact me at 96995938 if interested.
Collection at my place in hougang.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
A,B - $10
C,D,E,F,G - $15
H - $25
I,J - $20
K - $5
L,M - $10
Contact me at 96995938 if interested.
Collection at my place in hougang.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app