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Mark Liew

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About Mark Liew

  • Birthday 06/04/1970

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  1. I would suggest u get RS KH Coralline GRO for now.. it consist of KH & Cal plus Coralline fragments.. will help u on seeding Coralline Algae.. start with 1 ml per day and increase as and when required.. till now i am still doing it..
  2. TBH.. your tank is still too young for that amount of corals especially SPS.. be mentally prepared for casualties.. 0.3 drop of DKH in 6-7 days is nothing.. in fact your corals is not consuming any alk which means it is not growing and may have a chance not to survive... We have the same tank RSR170.. i was doing 100ml ALK and 40ml Cal per day till i change to Calcium Reactor last week.. cannot tahan to buy RSF A/B/C.. BTW.. PH do not stay stable throughout the day... it goes up and down..
  3. Wat corals u have now? Have your tank started growing coralline? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Hi All Neptune Trident Users.. I believe below link will be intresting to you.. https://humble.fish/community/index.php?threads/fully-customize-neptune-tridents-test-schedule.5606/
  5. Add and upgrade items as time goes by whenever needed.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. A tank is considered fully mature when u start to get coralline.. thats when u can start playing with sps.. ur tank i would suggest zoas n softies.. at 3-6 months stage than lps.. when u see coralline than sps.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Hanna hr nitrate not lr nitrate Why need chlorine when u should be using rodi or di filter? Ammo n nitrite suggest u use api will do.. after few weeks it will be collecting dust.. tbh u don really need nitrite as it is not lethal in salt water as in fresh water.. as long ammo is zero u are good to go plus if u put bacteria in bottle.. u will mostly get zero nitrite all the way.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Fyi.. indo sea water where indo lps are farm have alk at 9dkh Different parts of the oceans dkh are different.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Hanna phosphate ulr Hanna nitrate hr Hanna alk Hanna copper (qt tank) Manual dosing will not do it once u start to play sps.. especially when u start to play with kalk.. i am currently dosing 52.5ml of alk n 22ml of cal.. and my sps frags are just babies.. u cant manual dose.. needs to be spread out throughout the day.. What alk to shoot for depends on ur salt.. high alk will require higher nitrate n phosphate level whereas lower alk will require lower nitrate n phosphate.. I am currently at 10.5 alk with 10 nitrate 0.06 phosphate.. different tank will get different levels of nitrate n phosphate level.. it will level out by itself with a form of nutrient export like chaeto as u need to maintain the redfield ratio..
  10. What is you water parameters.. salinity / temp / alk / cal / mag / nitrate/ phosphate.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Since now you have some time during tank cycling.. next you gotta start considering and budget for Testing Equipment and Dosing.. Testing Equipment:~ Budget go for Nyos or Salifert.. if got budget go for Hanna.. 1. Alk 2. Cal 3. Mag 4. Salinity 5. PH Dosing :~ You may need a dosing pump.. suggest u get a jebao 4 head.. 1. Alk 2. Cal 3. Mag Once u go CRAZY and willing to throw tons of $$$.. Get Apex or GHL to fully monitor and automate your tank..
  12. Chiller do not need to be turned on during cycle.. as for hardware.. u can start with budget than upgrade to high end stuff.. i too started with 2 jebao and now 2 mp10.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. Gratz.. i have a 1yr old reefer 170.. same skimmer but xr30 g4.. suggest u cycle ur tank without lights for about 3 months.. u may start buying your first fish once ammonia is zero.. continue lights off for 3 months if u can self control.. btw wat wave maker u have in mind? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. You are able to access apex locally via local ip which is part of your initial setup.. u do not need to use apex fusion.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. As per AF Website.. https://aquaforest.eu/pl/product/kh-buffer/ 20 ml of KH Buffer solution has a KH level of 0.5 dKH in 100 liters of water May i suggest that you prep 100l of RODI water and mix in 20ml of your mixed solution and see if u get the 0.5dkh raise or 40ml for 1dkh raise.. this will test your mixed solution potency..
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