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Everything posted by Amol

  1. Amol


    1. Nessarius snails 2. Heavy nutrient export - additonal bio media, maybe try vibrant Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Hmmm white flat worms Seems harmful to euphyllia https://reefbuilders.com/2020/08/03/watch-out-for-a-new-more-damaging-euphyllia-flatworm/ Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Hi all I havnt seen this type before. It doesnt have a shell like a snail but moves like one on the glass. Can any one help identify? Thanks Amol Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Hello! I wanted to get the yellow spongodes, will collect via lalamove if ok today? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Yes you are right! Google says 'They are highly specialized feeders with their tube like lips adapted to feeding on coral polyps." phew !! glad i didnt give into temptation. beautiful fish though
  6. Hi all I saw this in Ah Beng, i think its a wrasse. They couldnt tell me the name. Can anyone help id pls? Thanks!! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Hello all Wanted to check if anyone wants to sell a xf230 pump unit. I cannot find it in any LFS as its discontinued Cheers Amol Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Really like the refugium overflow idea for the ATO. Can i ask you which eshopps overflow module you are using? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Thanks for the feedback and the links. I didnt send a control sample for the fresh salt mix, never thought of that! But 32 ppm AL seems quite high in any case compared to 0.5 recommended It does make sense if its a harmless compund of Al present in the water and the ICP test just counts the elemental atoms only and that gives a wrong impression that the actual Al in its.raw.form is present in the water. But i am going to be safe.than sorry and see.if i get a good.replacement for the MP block, do a test.in a couple of months and see if the AL count is down Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. My first ICP test showed what i think is very high Aluminim levels The corals seem to be doing fine but there is something thats cobtributing to the high Al. I use a 5 stage rodi with 0 tps so cant be the water. I also use GFO so no leachinf of Al feom there. I am thinking the culprit is the Marine pure block which i read can leach aluminium. Checking if anyone has run intonthe same issue and what are good alternatives I really need good bacteria housing media since i dont have a refugium or an ATS Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Forgot to mention.. the pic is before cleaning the tank .. so the tank is at its very worst. Considering that i am happy the algae is under control and the corals are showing decent color and growth Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. I had started this query back in Feb, when i had a nitrate spike and then an algae bloom. Lost track but thanks to the advice of the reefers have a stable tank now Documenting nutrient control for reference Reefer 350 sps dominant now 1. Red seas NoPox daily arround 5 ml 2. Siporax 5 ltrs and a block of Marine pure 3. Dosing daily 30 ml all for reef 4. Bio actif tropic marine salt water changes every week arround 7 percent tank volume 5. Activated carbon and phosphte minus in a reactor change wvery 3 weeks 6. 2 drops of polylab plus everyday 7. 2 drops of Acroglow from KZ 8. And the one thing i think truly helped ... 5 ml Vibrant dosing every week after cleaning the tank 9. Coral snow evry other day Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. My tank was getting overrun by aiptesia , frankly the chemical treatments are hard if you have more than 5 or 6 aiptesia, you are sure to miss a few A copper band butterfly worked wonders and no sign of aiptesia. It feeds like a pig on certain foods - PE Mysis and EASYreef massticks easyreef massticks seemed to be discontinued in singapore for some time and cant order it over amazon, but I managed to order it online via some other providers. Now have a happy butterfly and no aiptesia Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. Sincere thanks to everyone who pitched in with all the great advice. I really appreciate it. Running GFO and NoPox have brought down the phosphates to 0.04 on the RedSea test kit and nitrates to 5 to 10ppm on API. I am also running the Nitraguard titanium but too early to see results yet. I dIdnt manage to get the Salifert test kits since didnt see it in stock 2 of my close by LFS. But since API test was showing 80 earlier i am happy!! On a different note, i switched from Aquaforest salt to Tropic Marin Pro-reef, no real reason other than i just wanted to use their All-for-reef as a simpler dosing manual mechanism with just one measurement than use a doser, and i thought made sense to switch salts as well so the dosing is compatible with the salt. All-for-reef is Powerful! I think i dosed arround 20 ml (in my 350 ltr tank which is very lightly loaded at the moment : 4 fish 1 big bubble coral and some zoas) and the Mag jumped from 1250 to 1365, calcium from 320 to 380 and alk from 5.8 to 6.8 : yes i have not been keeping my parameters in order but getting to it now after i have the Nitrate and Phosphate under control. Now i need to tackle my bryopsis problem before i can finally go and add corals. Hair algae is growing all over (not crazy but it is over all the rocks and the back walls). And i saw bubble algae today (the horror the horror :(( ) So now from nitrates battle which i think i am winning, i need to win the algae battle: I under dosed Vibrant last week to get rid of the hair algae. It did appear to weaken it but then i saw cyano start to appear so i stopped. (i had this previous issue with Vibrant and i think its more to do with my tank rather than the product itself which i am sure is great) So i am going to do it the slow and steady way of blasting my rocks with a turkey baster everyday and scrapping it off the back walls with regular daily NoPox. I have to admit one more possible problem area : lack of cleanup crew. I didnt really pay much attention to it. I have like 2 turbo snails, 1 stomata snail, a few (maybe 3) nassarius snails and 1 red fire shrimp. A tuxedo urchin passed away due to the nitrate spike earlier. Looking at the wisdom of gurus from youtube, i think i need like 1 cleanup crew per gallon of my tank (ie arround 60 in all!?) Even if i dont get so many i will get i think arround 5 more turbo snails and a tuxedo urchin to help with the algae. I heard emerald crabs are good as well and eat bubble algae. Any advice of which LFS i can get those? Also any advice on clean up crew stocking for a 350 litre tank would be much appreciated!!
  15. Thank you Rob, Yakh0o I am going progressively try the suggestions and update here. I forgot to mention - i am having arround 3 ltrs of siporax and a marine pure block, which I thought was more than enough for the bacteria to control the nitrates but like you said, mostly the extra sources of nitrogen is the culprit. I was actually looking at a cheato reactor (skimz / tunze) and not an ATS because i didnt see any in the online and local LFS. Any idea where i can get a decent ATS ? Any LFS sells the Santa Monica ones ?
  16. Hello you guys I wanted to see what I may be doing wrong here. 350 ltr tank (RSR) which was doing OK once upon a time,. Had a tank crash (corals RTNing all over) Due to work/life neglect and breakdown of some equipment for a few months. When i checked the nitrates / phosphates after a long time nitrates were at 80 and Ph = 0.5. So obviously there was trouble. Back into full save-the-tank mode, i did the following : 1. Red Sea NoPox treatment of 10ml per day for arround a few weeks 2. 20% water changes every week for 3 weeks 3. Reduced my PE mysis from 2 feedings to 1 feeding a day ( i have 1 anthias, 1 copperband butterfly, 1 Yellow Tang who also gets sea weed every alternate day, 1 blenny and 2 bangai cardinals) I could see the nitrates reducing to arround 20 ppm (good!) but phosphates steady at 0.5 and loads of hair algae. Lost 2 fish - the blenny and 1 cardinal( like literally lost them, cant see them anywhere in the tank, so i assume they RIPed due to the high nitrates and may be contributing to the nitrate buildup. Impatient for better results, i then did the following : 1. Added Zeolith stones from AF in the filter cups covered by the filter wool. 2. Restarted my fluidised reactor with GFO and Carbon. 3. Saw the phosphates reducing, was happy. Continued with the NoPox and (again impatient for results) added Pro Bio S from AF assuming the NoPox will act as food for the bateria and assuming that more bacteria is always better Checked my nitrates, saw they were 40 on the API test kit put it down to bad lighting while looking at the results. A few days later checked the nitrates again, seems like they are at the 80 levels :0 So i am doing something wrong. Gave up and came to the forum for help. I have some options, help me out here : 1. Stop GFO immediately, i am screwing up with the Redfield ratio in some way and thats spiking the nitrates 2. Increase NoPox (but its at the max recommended limit of 10ml per day anyways for the 300 ltr of water volume i have) 3. Stop Pro Bio S 4. Get a Cheto / algae Reactor ? ( Refugium is not an option due to the small sump that RSR has) Anything else ? Any idea would be appreciated. thank you all
  17. Nope no tank thread yet. Had a rough patch due to work where the tank maintenance was zero and the nitrates and phosphates shot up to 50+ and 0.5+... i am waiting for nopox and gfo to bring it down with large water changes now. Till then will watch your and others journey here !! Hows the tank doing now Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. The Nyos Torq does look good and seems ideal for the red sea sump. Am tempted now, thanks for the info Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. I second this, copperbanded butterfly are awesome in killing aptesia. Mine cleared aptesia outbreak in 2 weeks and there is no more of that ever since. After that, its quickly taken to PE mysis. It fed well on Easyreef Massticks too but for some reason that product is mo longer available in SG. . Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. Looking forward to this build from fellow RSR too. All the best !!! It's great that the new builds have a fuge, though imagine it should be not that big, so you will end with 1 skimmer and no space for any additional reactor in the main sump area? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. Can I check with you : where do you put cheato in the red sea sump? As you said, it's a very tight sump to put maybe max 1 skimmer and 1 reactor tops. So interested to see your design ( struggling with high nitrates in a reefer 350 here ) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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