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Everything posted by beachboy

  1. (3)lots of small hermit crabs '10 for $5'
  2. (1) Red leg hermit with beautiful shell $10
  3. (1) Red leg hermit with beautiful shell $10 (2) 5 Red leg hermit $5 each (3)lots of small hermit crabs '10 for $5' All the above hermit crabs i am not Sure whether are reefsafe.
  4. 65 sungei tengah road true percula clown, other fishes and soft coral.
  5. <a> Turbo Skimmer + 1 Dophin Powerhead - $$25 <b> Power liquid - $25
  6. Items for sell, <a> Turbo Skimmer + 1 Dophin Powerhead - $$30 <b> Power liquid - $30
  7. can post ur LR photo for me to see ?
  8. hihi you got how much KG of live rock want to sell ????
  9. very nice tank may i know how much you buy ur wave maker ??????
  10. Check out sposor XGlare ???????????????
  11. may i know this wave maker cal what name and how much outside shop sell ? :>
  12. If u only 1 a normal blue you can get the pL tube only cost you $20 per tube.
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