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Everything posted by Vickar

  1. Anyone with Algae and live sand to give away? Preferably at CCK area. Thanks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Looking to trade for corals Small sized Anemone, tenus, prata, torch, frogspawn, hammer, etc. Pm me. Thanks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Vickar

    WTT Anemone

    Up! If anyone interested to buy letting go the huge green one at $12 and white one at $10. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Vickar

    WTT Anemone

    I've got 5 clowns. The biggest one is smaller than 2 inch. But the anemone is too huge and I've got 2 of them Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Vickar

    WTT Anemone

    More pictures Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Want to trade my Anemone. Bought it 2 days ago. It appeared really small, but it became too big for my tank. I'm only having a 1.5 feet nano tank. The green anemone measures about 10 inches (Diameter) the white one 5inches. Looking for smaller corals, Anemone, Colour full mushrooms, hammer, bubble, Prata. If anyone is interested to buy it, please pm me too. All corals are healthy. Photos taken under white and blue light. Thank you. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Want to trade my Anemone. Bought it 2 days ago. It appeared really small, but it became too big for my tank. I'm only having a 1.5 feet nano tank. The green anemone measures about 10 inches (Diameter) the white one 5inches. Looking for smaller corals, Anemone, Colour full mushrooms, hammer, bubble, Prata. If anyone is interested to buy it, please pm me too. All corals are healthy. Photos taken under white and blue light. Thank you. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Thanks a lot bro. Really appreciate your help [emoji1360] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. Alright. Thanks a lot bro. I only have these 4 clowns in my tanks so I should just treat them first before adding more fish right? How about corals? Will it affect my corals and is it okay to introduce other corals? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Alright. I took out the infected fish. 1)Do I have to treat the other 3 clowns as well? 2)It's not a good idea to add any corals or fish for now to the tank right? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Hello everyone. I introduced 4 clowns, all small sized 4 days ago. Everything was going good until today morning I realised that there's something appearing on the body of my clown. I'm not sure what is it. Looks like another layer of skin or membranes. Appears whitish and slightly transparent. What should I do and what went wrong? Please help. Thank you in advance to all
  13. I got this light from a reefer a week ago. A day later I realised 4 blue led bulbs turn on for a second or 2 and then it goes off. All the white lights are working perfectly fine. Is it possible to change the bulbs only? Say at Sim Lim? He told me he bought the light from a Marine shop at Pasir Ris. Anyone knows if I can fix these lights? It's a G2 Maxspect LED light 110W. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. Thanks a lot bro. Really appreciate it. It was a good read [emoji1362] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Here are some pictures Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. Hello everyone. I have a purple slug with blue sponge on a small live rock up for trade. Looking reef safe starfish. Not keen in a big one. If you have small reef safe crabs let me know too ( don't want hermit crabs ) Thanks
  18. Hello everyone. I have a purple slug with blue sponge on a small live rock up for trade. Looking reef safe starfish. Not keen in a big one. If you have small reef safe crabs let me know too ( don't want hermit crabs ) Thanks
  19. Thanks a lot bro. I went to CF today and they told me it feeds on blue sponge. Thank god they had some at their place. The shop I got from ytd told me that I don't have to feed anything [emoji58] I just bought this scallop from CF. I was told it's reef safe. Came home still in the bag but he suddenly started snapping! Is it safe to add him? I have a doc shrimp and clowns. Have and to add in corals in the future. Please advice. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. Hello everyone! I bought a purple slug yesterday. Introduced it to my tank at 6pm. He was active till about 11pm moving around. After that he was stationary till 12pm today. I thought he died so I tried removing him and realised he is alive. After that he was moving for 5 mins and now stationary again. Is it normal? Any advice. It's on a live rock. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. What's lightest? You mean light? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. Haha, thank you! Hope to make them nicer in a few months Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. Thank you for the info [emoji1362] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  24. Alright [emoji1362]Thank you! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  25. Got enough Hermits. Looking for diamond goby, nassarius snail, cleaning shrimp.
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