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Everything posted by aquagem

  1. $498. Super special price due to shifting house and freeing QT. ich free fluke free. Always hungry for pallets. Your opportunity to own a xanthosis angel. Not the normal indian cream angel. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. The two are in QT. Check out my main tank [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. No issue. I'm housing 2 large angels and a basslet in a 100L. They are happily feeding as well. As for pallet feeding, yes they do feed on them. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Indeed Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. $700 premium [emoji23] Iwarna do bring in such fishes at a way way lower cost. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. If not mistaken Interuptus $2500 also. Wonder if Anybody bought from them ?? [emoji4] maybe can give us some review if the fish is really healthy. For the fact There was a discussion someone bought an AT and died [emoji23] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Last I heard from other hobbyist, Bukit Timah asking $2500 [emoji16]... Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Did you purchase from Bukit Timah FS @ $2500? [emoji33] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Unfortunately, before I didn't have the time and was naive to trust what the other party mentioned. There are more to this with their premium hardwares as well! Over promised and under delivered. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. Everyone will have fear in administering copper for the very first time. It is just very wise of seachem to aggressively market it as a safer compound. There are tons of articles whereby cupramine went wrong as well [emoji848] that particular "safe" statement caused consumer to use cupramine as their first choice. It worked for them and hence the continuation. One will never change their methodology if it all works well.. e.g if you started off with an unknown brand which comprise of copper , and if it works, you will stand by it! Hehehe maybe consumers should query if the premium LFS which carries cupramine uses it themselves. And perhaps they are using cupramine and hence the premium in prices [emoji4] Most will be very honest while I strongly believe a very small handful may not (eg just like how one recommended me more water changes to stabilise the situation [emoji848]) On another note, theoretically if copper will destabilise bacterial growth, that being the case, good luck to those newly establish LFS as I will be very wary of them [emoji23] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. By the way, I was once given a ridiculous advised. "More water chg to buy my safety". And "can't be liable for the fishes that they did not supply". Never once copper treatment was pushed forward to be introduced or even QT. After this incident, it was clear to me that in this manner, the only way to push their livestock was upon consumer expenses for livestock casualties. That's the marketing strategy of the company. They do carry cupramine, however my Guess was, it was never their intention to push the products as livestock will provide them with a greater margin. Please please chose your LFS very very wisely [emoji4] be supportive to those who are genuinely to assist and earn a living and not reaping people who are new to this hobby. Pay a couple of visit to different LFS and ultimately, choose the LFS which you feel best to work with in the Long run. Hence to me, having paid premium prices don't justify the survivability of the livestock if we get such nonsensical responses and actions. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Marketing gimmick! To me, Cupramine is just like any other copper treatment. Thks to their marketing dept, the brand is widely accepted I really doubt any fish shop uses Cupramine in their system, even though they may be carrying seachem products can't Imagine LFS/farms spending countless amount of money just on Cupramine, while others will work as similar at a way much cheaper cost. Perhaps the more premium LFS uses cupramine hence livestock are more expensive. [emoji23], that may be a possibility! If most LFS can keep their livestock alive by not using cupermine, why can't the consumer do likewise . After all, their priority is to keep the fish alive prior to sale. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. Thank you for enquires. Apologies for not able to reply to all. Fish was sold to the first enquirer. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. That's perhaps there's copper in the LFS, however there are risks involved when your luck runs out [emoji4] will you rather let your fish die of diseases or treat it periodically and Aim to stabilise your livestock after treatment. I've known of a premium LFS which indicated to me before they've never practiced using copper. Sad to say, through observation, it's the opposite now. The reason why LFS will tend to sway away from recommending copper , sad but true to be said, consumer livestock survivability was never on their priority list. When you ask query them, there's a chance that some irresponsible LFS will just tell you not to add fishes for some time till it stabilised. With casualty, one can only refresh their livestock with them. Given the multiple xchg of livestock before it reaches end users, there are bound to be copper at one stage! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. Wow! That's indeed extremely very dirt cheap!!!! Having said that, its the after sales services which you should be considering and not the pre sales [emoji16] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Scientific Name : Zebrasoma gemmatum Common Name : Gem Tang An opportunity to own a rare Gem Tang which is rarely see in trade. 3 cm and feeding very well on seaweed and pallets. Able to provide actual video upon request. Self Collection Only. Reason for sale: Due to its small size, unfortunately she is incompatible with my other tangs. $1000 IMG_0285.MP4
  17. If the fish is not going to survive QT, chances that it will not survive in DT. Personally, I rather it not making it in QT rather than DT. Yes previously, there was a discussion about their livestock. They do also carry premium hardwares, however, no one yet to chime in. Still waiting for services for hardware Feedback [emoji4] it will be good to know. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. My experiences, Try Iwarna/the fish channel for more premium fishes. They may be more straight forward in prices and may assist if questions are promoted to them. As for SAS, shall not comment much myself. It's for one to judge. There's enough discussion on their premium livestock by couple of members. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. Depends on the type of fishes you're chasing. From my observation, there are only 2 LFS which cater to the premium market and, they are Iwarna and SAS. Having said that, it's your duty to observe the fishes and most importantly go QT them yourself be it cheap or expensive. If you look back, There's was a brief discussion by members on last week on premium LFS livestocks. My thoughts, Please don't rely on LFS to QT the fishes! Also let us be realistic, no matter which premium LFS you patronise, they will not provide a quarantine period for any livestocks, not at least if they've collected adv payments from the customer, correct me if I'm wrong. Quarantine process takes a Long time and there are risks involved. Livestock being perishable, any LFS main priority is to make the sale as quickly as possible. Just a simple thought, if LFS do practice Quarantine processes, does that suggest that the livestock will be cheaper on the day of arrival, and can only increase in prices after the quarantine periods are over? Put it bluntly, the so- called quarantine fishes are livestock that they are unable to sell fast enough. So hence, to sound attractive, they will just indicate to you the livestock are being quarantined. During this period where the livestock are waiting to be sold off, they are fed and monitored healthy, hence the so-called quarantine process. To me this is just a gimmick!!! Anyone can let us know, which LFS can provide Quarantine without payment in adv, and I Guess members will gladly patronise the shop paying a premium. Ultimately it's the buyer due diligence to quarantine the livestock. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. I Guess other genuine LFS will be laughing their hearts out !! For the benefit of the community, Glad to hear that was history. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. Indeed willingly seller and buyer. However, Will be interesting to hear fellow members with Positive feedbacks , if any, with Specialised Aquatic Solution other then livestocks [emoji4] as they do carry a wide range of products as well. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. Wow! Where else is selling it at 400? That's if you're kind enough to share [emoji23] If you're willingly to spend on livestocks, any LFS will give you their upmost best CS [emoji4], especially when one is paying a premium. just choose them wisely and buy what's you're comfortable with. Wonder how about after sales for equipments? [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. No doubt, it was because it's a flame hawk [emoji23] they are generally hardy. I'm sure any LFS will provide their upmost presentable best CS prior to purchase. But the question is will any premium justify to these? I've purchased a couple of livestocks from Specialised Aquatic Solutions in different times. The second purchase, being the similar fish and size with the first purchased, I was quoted a hefty 25% increase in fish. I wonder why? Perhaps a spur of moment where I wanted the fish [emoji23]. Bearing in mind they are in excess of the hundreds for the particular fish. Ultimately it's my choice though clearly their business model that fishes prices ain't as fixed as it seems to be. (May even be the case for blue tangs) These are just my experiences and choice. As for equipments and after sales, I'll wait for others to chime in, if any [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  24. Will that be $100 discount for the next purchase? At the very least you did have some sort of compensation [emoji4][emoji106] by the way, any reason why your AT did not survive? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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