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Everything posted by mezan

  1. Hi, Have a mini colony no ID sps for sale. About 1/3 - 1/2 palm size. $20 Collect CCK.
  2. Hi, Selling Hydra 26HD (Black). 2 years old. $280.
  3. Sold and collected. Thank you
  4. AI Prime 16 HD Black with Flex arm. A year old. $200. Deal at CCK. PM to deal.
  5. Sorry. Have to pull the last zoas out from sale due to currently not doing well. Letting it heal for the moment.
  6. Hi. Selling the following at $25. Collect at CCK. PM if interested.
  7. Nice write up. However, why do you decide to run two separate return and not one using one with a T to split the return line?
  8. Hey. Thank you all. But what's the difference between all the brands? Or is more like preference?
  9. From my POV, the 1/4 will last you for your next upgrade. Not sure in terms of reliability wise.
  10. Nice. Where do you get wood for the cabinet though?
  11. One frag of unknown zoas(looks like red horizon). $10. Collect at CCK.
  12. Hi. Got so many rocks, which is better or all the same?
  13. that is interesting. but wouldn't it trap detritus moving forward?
  14. Hi. Selling this leopard discosoma for $20. A few heads. Collect at CCK.
  15. what is that black color foam like underneath the rock?
  16. Hi, sorry. just check mine was HMS rail.
  17. Me. I just restarted my tank with this setting: 0900: 0 / 0 1000: 65 / 100 1530: 65 / 100 1600: 40 / 100 21:00 40 / 100 23:00 0 / 0 Can't say how well is the setting goes for me as I have no corals as of yet. Just that I found the settings online and did some minor changes. The light extended all the way though.
  18. Is the GSP new or been a while in the tank? Tried moving it around? Also, how high is your light?
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