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    Vinothini Vijayan

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  1. have 1 in my tank too... it's a good thing, apparently. Acts as a cleaning unit for your tank
  2. Woah... i better be quick in that case. Got to make a fast move then. Thanks thanks! I'm learning so many things. Hahaha.
  3. Thanks! Will add 1 later
  4. Thanks. Will go read up more
  5. Yes, used natural sea water. Bought it from the LFS. Looking out for pests now, for now only spotted Aiptasia.
  6. Yes new LR, new sand. Water NSW>> referring to Salt Water?. If yes, then you are right. Started everything again from scratch.
  7. Thanks Dottyclown. I have not added a market prawn. For now it's just the live rocks. You recommend that i get 1 to kick start the cycling? Other than prawn anything else that helps to kick start it? Will be doing a water test soon.
  8. Thanks. I restarted the whole tank. Threw away the old rocks and all. washed up the entire tank.
  9. Thanks Dottyclown. Water has cycled for 1 week, now added the liverock. Any idea how long more to cycle? And what type of fishes are recommended to be added first? Was thinking of cycling the water till next month and start off with a pair of nemo and some cleaning units.
  10. Hi Yukok... Yes bought the sea water and only let it cycle overnight with the rocks. Added fishes the next day on the instruction of the LFS and whole tank wiped out. After reading more here, ended up restarting the tank with proper cycling.
  11. Thanks. Read a bit on it. So far only spotted 1 of it on the rock. Any suggestion if i shld leave it there or remove it now. I'm still cycling the water for now and willbe doing so for the next 2 months.
  12. Anyone knows what this is? Is it harmful to the tank? 20170316_161547[1].mp4
  13. My 1 week old tank crashed. Had to restart the tank again... a pic with LR. Just added the rocks today.
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