19 April 2017 update I've decided to start dosing trace element! In the past few years I've tried different type of trace element dosing with both good and bad result, good result was I did see some changes on the color of my corals, but however most of them are very hard to control the amount to dose in to your aquarium, and sometimes with over dosing you will have side effects like cyano breakout or even damaging your sps. So I've been reading about Red Sea coral color system, the whole idea about this system is that you dose 31 different trace elements base on calcium uptake of your system, Red Sea research shows the ratio of element found in coral skeleton are very similar for all corals, therefore when your system is taking 10ppm of calcium to construct coral skeleton in your reef, it should also consume 1ppm of other trace elements to build coral skeleton, it's a ratio. Of course you can also dose according to your test on iodine, potassium, iron, but I'm not going to do it in this case. So, my dosing for calcium is 14ml/day, according to above calculation I should be dosing 1.4ml of each coral colors A/B/C/D, but I'm going to start with 1ml each pre day and see how it goes. Below are few pictures I took today, let's see if this will make a difference in a few weeks or months. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app