Selling my Favourite gold torch at 100.
Pair it with other purchases to get it at a discounted price of 90 each.
PM for further details.
Dealing location Yishun.
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Selling a perfect healthy specimens.
Size of skeleton 6-7cm
Not a demanding corals.
Dealing location Yishun.
Price 100
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Selling 2 colony of Leon green blue tip torch. At 120 each each colony have at least 6 heads.
Get both at 100 each.
Dealing location Yishun.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Selling 2 colony of Leon green blue tip torch. At 120 each each colony have at least 6 heads.
Get both at 100 each.
Dealing location Yishun.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh Ya!
1. What is your doing regime like, how many ml are you dosing per day?
2. I believe you are using AF salt aye?
3. What the model of the OCTO reactor?
Where is fish street location? May i know what the model for your OCTO skimmer and price?
Also where did you get your cute dosing container nice!.
Thanks in advance.