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Everything posted by kueytoc

  1. From the album: WRASSEYMASTER® Reef Paradise

    World Wide Corals’ Pink Floyd chalice coral will leave you comfortably numb Read more: http://reefbuilders.com/2012/12/10/world-wide-corals-pink-floyd-chalice-coral-leave-comfortably-numb/#ixzz2adbutHQU Mycedium robokaki chalice with raspberry colored eyes introduced by LiveAquaria Read more: http://reefbuilders.com/2012/08/01/mycedium-robokaki-chalice/#ixzz2adcGt8g2
  2. Even the fish attacked my plastic coral tong when I tried chasing it away from harassing moi fishes.
  3. Dun touch the coral any longer. As long as its polyps are extending, shouldn't be a problem.
  4. Best method so far...Spray Zoas Colony rock with freshwater which will remove detritus & any hitchhikers. No cost & yet effective.
  5. Any pic to show the health of the coral & its location ?
  6. Yeah almost bought it at Aquamarin at that time but it doesn't look healthy.
  7. From the album: WRASSEYMASTER® Reef Paradise

    Family: Labridae Local Name: Bluestripe Orange Tamarin Max Size: 25cm Care Level: 4 Min Tank Volume: 350L Temperature: 22-28°C Salinity: 1.020-1.026sg pH: 8-8.4 Hardness: 8-12dKH Origin: South Pacific, from Australia to Easter Island. Habitat: Rocky areas on inshore reefs. Diet: Vitamin enriched frozen mysis and brine shrimp, and other meaty foods along with a high quality marine flake and marine pellet food. Behaviour: Peaceful. Suitability: Reef safe, may attack small shrimp and crabs. Community: Can be very territorial with there own kind. Best kept with other peaceful fish.
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