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Everything posted by kueytoc

  1. COMMENTS from Moo Moomoo 12 hours ago My fellow Singaporean netizens - don’t just vent on the internet. You are preaching to the converted. Go out and convert the unconverted. I was a staunch PAP supporter until this election. There are still many staunch PAP supporters out there. They don’t post on the internet, they don’t attend rallies but when they get into the poll booth, they will vote PAP because like me until GE 2011, 1) They still cling onto the belief/myth that PAP acts for the common/greater good 2) They don’t think anything is wrong. No government is perfect and life is still good. Except for the really poor, most of Singapore maintains a decent standard of living – pleasant homes, surroundings & amenities, enough money for living and small luxuries 3) Fear of change/unknown – The Opposition is untested Common/Greater Good myth: (a) The common good came off the agenda a long time ago. It is now a party-compliant, complacent, arrogant, overpaid team of yes men and women with one person (employing everything but the kitchen sink to stay in power) who appears to have the veto vote; ( Are they concern about our welfare or are they towing the party line so they can keep their positions and be paid millions and an 8-month GDP bonus. Who can blame the ministers? I would do the same because I don’t know of anyone else getting an 8 month bonus this year, do you? © the self-preservation ploy – how much crap will be PAP have to shovel down their throats before they say enough : gerrymandering, cowed media, that infamous GRC system, linking votes to upgrading, bankrupted political opponents; cooling-off periods, growth dividends, NWC wage increase promises, 800,00 newly minted citizen & PAP supporters etc – all to stay in power. (d) They spend our money with no accountability whatsoever - for $$$ lost in China, Australia & Thailand etc The Life is good myth: (a) MBT’s solution to every problem is to find innovative way to lighten our pockets; ( Singapore swarmed by foreigners competing for jobs, schools, public transport etc; Of the 160,000 jobs created, half went to foreigners. © Whilst they pay themselves out of our tax dollar and lose some more in horrific investment, we have no healthcare and old-age security whatsoever that have not been delegated to insurance companies that we have to pay for out of our own pockets (d) an education system that produces workers but not leaders – I think it’s even intentional (e) Do you know why GST keeps going up? To compensate for the the low taxes for high income earners & low corporate tax. And who gets hurt by higher GST? The lower income households because these families spend a large % of their income… on necessities Fear of Change: (a) The risk is far lower than previous GEs. It is a quality opposition this time and standing for the opposition takes guts, gumption and sacrifice, overcoming near impossible odds for their belief in the need for change and for the love of Singapore. Don’t forget - almost every 3rd gen PAP MP rode into parliament on the coat-tails of their senior predecessors. And just look at the type of people PAP brought in this round – Tin Pei Ling (Do you think Ms "i don't know what to say" can represent you in a debate over policies), Foo Mee Har (alleged mistress of her boss in Standard Chartered & alleged financially strapped husband? - see Temasek Review article), Steve Tan (until they dropped him at the last minute for alleged sexual harassment?). Truly, the world will not end because you don’t have a Papster as your MP. And its not permanent. If they really don’t like the work of the opposition MPs, they can always vote PAP again in 5 years time. Meanwhile, they will have 2 parties serving them and vying for their votes.
  2. DPM Wong Kan Seng defends Track Record By Alicia Wong | SingaporeScene – Mon, May 2, 2011 12:19 PM SGT Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng has defended his track record, which has come under attack from the National Solidarity Party. Speaking to reporters on Sunday after visiting Bishan North, he said he is only accountable to the people and the prime minister of the day and he has been found fit to head three ministries at different points of his career, reported The Straits Times. DPM Wong made a point-for-point rebuttal to NSP candidates Jeanette Chong-Aruldoss and Goh Meng Seng's criticisms on Saturday. They said he benefitted from the group representation constituency system, having only fought in the 1984 election and remaining uncontested since. They also said that fertility fell to the present all-time low of 1.16 and foreigners swelled to form one-third of the population with DPM Wong as chairman of the National Population Committee in 2005. The duo also blamed DPM Wong for the escape of terrorist leader Mas Selamat in 2009 as he was heading the Home Affairs Ministry then. In response, DPM Wong said it was the opposition's fault for not fielding enough candidates to contest against him. The trend of low fertility rates has also surfaced in other developing countries such as Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, he argued, adding that the government here will continue to encourage young people to start families. And when it comes to foreigners, he countered, the government could either allow them to fill vacancies created by employers or not allow them in and risk Singaporeans losing their jobs if businesses pull out because of a lack of manpower. DPM Wong, who will be defending his Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC against the SPP team led by Chiam See Tong come Polling Day, also said a probe was launched after Mas Selamat escaped and recommendations were made to prevent a repeat of such an incident. He noted it was "a bit short-sighted" to look at just this case when the Home Affairs Ministry had other notable achievements such as being the first to uncover Jemaah Islamiah activity in the region. "I can proudly say, as far as the safety of Singaporeans and the confidence of the people and foreigners here are concerned, they feel Singapore is very safe. They feel we're on top of the situation and we're able to deal with crime, drugs and terrorism," said DPM Wong, who relinquished his post as Home Affairs Minister in November 2010.
  3. COMMENTS from NSW 12 hours ago If it is a problem it should be tackle and NOT TO SWEEP UNDER THE CARPET. Yes Foriegner Influx is a MAJOR problem here. you wont see this happen in US, AUSTRALIA or any other countries in EUROPE. In those countires people will be taking to the streets to demand an imediate action from the Government. So be grateful we are a civilize lot. I DO NOT MIND FOREIGNER doing CHEAP LABOUR JOBS like what the Thai and Indonesian construction workers in the 80s but why do we have FOREIGNER now doing MIDDLE INCOME JOB, JOBS THAT A LOWLY EDUCATED SINGAPOREAN CAN DO, SALES, ADMIN, MARKETING, IT, RETAIL, F&B etc etc??? WE only wants FOREIGNER to do jobs that WE SINGAPOREAN DON'T WANT TO DO. If any position that we SINGAPOREAN WANTS TO DO it should be GIVEN TO SINGAPOREAN FIRST. Also i want the QUALITYof FOREIGNER workers to be IMPROVED. WHERE IS THE POINT SYSTEM FROM IMMIGRATION? we need to fullfilled certain POINT SYSTEM in order to work in NZ, AUSTRALIA etc etc but here... ANY FOREIGNER WITH A O'LEVEL equivalent are let in to work PLS EXPLAIN THIS!!!! WHY ARE FOREIGNER HERE, ONCE LET IN TO WORK CAN SKIP FROM LOWLY EDUCATED JOB to MIDDLE INCOME JOBS? Why many of them comes in as OPERATOR or SALES later after many years of experience are becoming ENIGNEER, MANAGER and EXECUTIVE? PLS CONTROL THE LINE OF WORK A FOREIGNER CAN DO/WORK HERE and not to let them treat OUR SYSTEM AS A TICKET TO A BETTER LIFE HERE and COMPLETING WITH SINGAPOREAN!!! I HOPE PAP LOOK INTO THIS POLICY
  4. Comments from Fair Vote T 13 hours ago Do Singapore looks like ancient china where emperor is in ruling? China emperor bring in the foreigner because of dealing of weapon making life of the people suffering. Our side bring in the foreigner robbing our jobs… China emperor owns everything of the people taking land, taking tax making only the emperor the only one rich in the country. Our side, GST,COE,HDB loan, Income Tax, ERP….. Do you really own your car and houses?? Every 10year you still got to renew your COE, road tax years… HDB loan is like till you deaths… Who dare say Singapore not rich??? Yes I agree too, I believe all agree on this but the people??? We are coughing blood!! Who cares for the 1st class in the world if the people is 3rd class? Who benefits from the high exchange rate??? A general worker PRC is $900+ a Singapore citizen maybe 1300 But when come to OverTime???? Who do the boss allow for Overtime??? A basic $900 or a Basic $1300??? You are so good in calculation you tell me please…??? Do you know how many Singaporean bring back home with a $1100pm to feed the family?? Yes a PRC working here is tough… they basically don’t have any life here and work with not much maybe the same amount $1300 to $1500 after long overtime. So What????? Do you know how much they can bring back to China??? Let say $1500 – $500 for meal and transport they save $1000 every month. In 5 years time $60,000, high exchange rate benefit them of going back to china with $300,000…. ( We here is how many room flat, do you know they are living in how many storey??) @#$% I sometime admires them.. suffer 5 years back and enjoy life there. How many foreigner you make them rich by coming to Singapore work now??? You are opening gate to others to get rich here and back to their country… Singaporean are suffering… Do we really have our say now??? Or is this a dictatorship country?? I not saying you are wrong but we need additional voice a extra person with another point of view looking at another view to see if the steering of direction really bring benefit the people?? If there is forever one person doing this job who is there to give another opinion to discuss and get the better idea??? There wont be any brain storming to make things work right??? Lastly.. Is there a point if the government is 1st class but not the people? or we want the people to grow strong with the country?? Please remember the people is the country
  5. Opposition taps Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in Singapore By Philip Lim | AFP News – Sun, May 1, 2011 10:34 AM SGT Singapore is a nation of immigrants but its opposition parties are tapping into growing anti-foreigner sentiment among voters to win more parliamentary seats in general elections on May 7. Foreigners are accused of stealing jobs, depressing wages and straining housing, transport, schools, hospitals and other public services, putting the ruling party on the defensive for easing immigration rules in recent years. The People's Action Party (PAP), in power since 1959, is widely expected to secure a comfortable majority but its opponents are hoping to win far more than the two seats they held in the recently dissolved 84-member parliament. "Now every time I take the train, it feels like I'm in a different country," 24-year-old opposition candidate Nicole Seah of the National Solidarity Party told a public rally on Thursday to boisterous cheers. "It is like taking a holiday. I don't even need to bring my passport!" added Seah, an advertising professional who is the youngest candidate in the polls. Singapore's population numbered 4.03 million in 2000, with 760,000 foreigners and the rest citizens and permanent residents, according to government statistics. Last year, the population soared to 5.08 million with foreigners hitting an all-time high of 1.3 million. Singapore has long had a steady intake of foreigners but the government markedly liberalised the admission of immigrants during the economic boom from 2004-2007. With a birth rate far below what is needed to maintain population levels, Singaporeans were told they needed "foreign talent" and young immigrant families to keep the island economically competitive in the long term. Sentiment began to worsen when the global economy collapsed in 2008-2009, and not even the record 14.5 percent economic growth in 2010 was enough to assuage Singaporeans' fears of being swamped by foreigners. "They never asked us whether we wanted a huge increase in our population," another opposition candidate, Vincent Wijeysingha of the Singapore Democratic Party, said at a rally on Thursday. "They never asked us if we expected such large numbers of people working for such low salaries so that your salaries will also be pulled down," he added. It's an ironic turn of events for a city-state founded on cheap immigrant labour during British colonial rule, with most families tracing their roots to China, India, Malaysia and Indonesia. Reform Party secretary general Kenneth Jeyaretnam said the poorest Singaporeans were the most affected by the presence of cheaper foreign labour. "The incomes of the poorest 20 percent of the population have probably fallen by between 10 and 20 percent and this is all due to the fact that we have an open-door immigration policy with no minimum wage," said Jeyaretnam, who was a London-based financial executive before plunging into politics. Eugene Tan, an assistant professor of law at the Singapore Management University, said it was not surprising that opposition parties were milking the immigration issue. "It works up people very, very easily and it is something that you encounter on a daily basis," he told AFP. Kelvin Low, an assistant professor in the department of sociology at the National University of Singapore, said the anti-immigration card was not unique to Singapore in the age of globalisation. "These are populist strategies undertaken to attract the attention of voters," he said. In reaction to the backlash, the government slowed the intake of foreigners and reduced their social benefits, such as hospital and school fee subsidies, while insisting that Singapore can never survive without them. "By allowing in a controlled number of foreign workers, far from disadvantaging our own people, we have created more good jobs for Singaporeans and more opportunities in our economy," Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said before the campaign began.
  6. Do the new media reflect majority opinion in S’pore? By Seah Chiang Nee | SingaporeScene – 1 hour 29 minutes ago For years, cynical Singaporeans who disliked government-controlled news have been forming themselves into a sort of digital sub-community. They often ignore what the government says about policies, preferring instead to talk to each other about them online, a sad development for the authorities. Large numbers of these better-educated Singaporeans have long lived within this sub-culture where the government plays little or no part. They turn away from government press releases or Singapore newspaper reports which they consider as propaganda. So far, the authorities have not found a way to engage the community, let alone win it over. It is crucial because Singapore's Internet penetration is more than 75 percent. And with the 2011 election coming up, this sub-culture has evolved further. From merely communicating with each other, it has moved with videos, songs and poems into the area of social networking that galvanises thoughts and action. Meet the Facebook Generation! If this election throws up a surprising outcome, it is due to the movement. Facebook is not the only one, but it is the most popular social networking site in Singapore with 48.2 percent — or 2.5 million — people owning an account, making this island republic one of its biggest users. (In a recent survey by The Straits Times, 36.3 percent of Singaporeans, aged 21 to 34, cited the Internet as their top source of local political news, compared with 35.3 percent who preferred newspapers.) There are others, too, like Twitter and YouTube. Collectively, their rising popularity is changing politics in Singapore by allowing weaker, poorer opposition parties to challenge a giant like the People's Action Party (PAP). As I write this, a small army of young Facebook eager beavers — some of them armed with iPads -- are volunteering, discussing and organising political rallies for various parties. "We need helpers. If you're living in Whampoa, Pioneer or Chua Chu Kang, we'd love to hear from you," an opposition candidate appealed on Facebook. "Count me in," came a quick response, followed by another, "Me and my sect of 200 ready for action". Another opposition party standing against Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong needed 30 volunteers to be proposers and seconders. And the newbie Reform Party is online to recruit "walk-about" helpers, videographers, polling agents and general helpers. In many cases, the appeals worked. Hundreds, if not thousands, are responding. This is the Facebook Generation in action. The ruling PAP hasn't fallen behind. Several Cabinet ministers and a dozen Members of Parliament (MPs) have Facebook or Twitter pages, which they use to communicate with supporters and constituents. Few of the responses they get can match the opposition's, since the online community is largely an anti-government one. Hours before nomination began, for example, a frantic attempt was launched in the social media network to raise S$13,000 still needed as deposits for an opposition team to contest in Tanjong Pagar, the constituency of Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew. This was a case of a smaller party lacking funds and resources turning to the Facebook public for help. The call was repeated regularly and money began filtering in. Finally, someone sent S$10,000 as a loan to the candidates, but if lost due to insufficient votes, the lender said, "I will cancel the debt". He explained this was to prevent walkovers, so that every Singaporean can vote. Despite the 11th hour activities, the team was late submitting nomination papers — by 35 seconds. (Most of the contributions had reportedly been returned to senders). However, the new trend is helping to disperse some of the apathy of young people, making them less compliant or fearful of the government. Singapore is recognised as the world's most evolved social media market, according to a research by Firefly Millward Brown. "Singaporeans' lives converge online and offline, where their families, friends, interests, work and hobbies could be found in the tangible as well as virtual world," the survey findings reportedly revealed. It is rubbing off on some older citizens, who know next to nothing about the world wide web. Recently, when Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) leader Dr Chee Soon Juan spoke to Singaporeans in the Hokkien dialect, the video was seen 100,000 times. A young opposition supporter, Nick, said he showed the tape to his mother, who had been an avid fan of the ruling PAP since the early days. "After viewing it (Dr Chee was speaking of the plight of poorer Singaporeans and the high cost of living), my mother is now one of us. I am moved to tears," he added. The PAP, which has governed since 1959 and has 82 out of 84 Parliament seats, is also using the Internet and social media to retain control on power. Its party's website is sophisticated and has 200 videos. The looser policy contrasts with some of the tightest rules in the developed world to control the traditional media. For the 7 May election, however, the authorities have lifted a ban on online political campaigning. But as voting draws near, political analysts are cautioning against using the social media (which is overwhelmingly anti-government) as the sole yardstick to measure the outcome. The Facebook culture may swing many youthful minds, but it may not necessarily reflect the majority of public opinion. The Workers' Party's webmaster Koh Cheong Yoong has said new media tools like Facebook and Twitter cater only to a particular segment of the population. "It helps us to reach out to more people than we could have, but it is probably not going to be the major determining factor in the winning of votes," he added. That battle has to be fought and won in the streets and homes.
  7. SDP’s Tan vs SM Goh: War of Words heats Up By Faris Mokhtar | SingaporeScene – Mon, May 2, 2011 1:40 AM SGT Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) Holland-Bukit Timah GRC candidate Tan Jee Say says he was "surprised" by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong's remarks that he was not capable of being a Permanent Secretary. Speaking to an estimated 7,000-strong crowd at the SDP rally on Sunday evening at Clementi, Tan responded to SM Goh's comments, revealing why he resigned from the civil service. "I want to respond to remarks by a few ministers. In the past few days I've been the target of a lot of criticisms and I think it's only fair that I tell you what my position is." "I am surprised that he (SM Goh) made such a remark because he had earlier said he would not comment on candidates outside Marine Parade GRC," said Tan. Tan shared that he had wanted to resign from the civil service after his scholarship bond ended in 1984 but was asked by SM Goh, who was then Deputy Prime Minister, to be his principal private secretary. He added that his appointment was to assist in the leadership transition from Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, who was the Prime Minister, to the second generation of leaders. "I told him I had no intention of staying in the civil service; he said he needed me for only 3 to 5 years, after which I could leave the civil service if I still wanted to do so." "At the end of five years, I again expressed my desire to leave the service. He replied that since this was the second time I told him I wanted to leave, he would not hold me back but would give me his blessings to leave the civil service," said the 57-year-old investment adviser. SM Goh had earlier said at a People's Action Party rally for Marine Parade GRC on Saturday that although Tan was "hardworking", he did not think that he "could make it" as a Permanent Secretary. As a result, Tan resigned from the public service and entered the private sector to advance his career. But Tan replied, "It was not my mission in life to be a permanent secretary. I wanted to be a more complete person with life experiences in both the public and private sectors." Tan expressed his disappointment at his former boss' comments. "I have given five of my best years in my career life to Mr Goh. He asked me to be his PPS, I did not ask for the job. I do not expect such comments from him after five years of loyal service," he said. Tan also responded to MM Lee's comments on his proposal to transform the economy, where he suggested that Singapore should divert from the manufacturing sector and progress towards the services sector. Said MM Lee on Sunday, "He has no qualifications to say that and he is wrong. If you don't have manufacturing, you're going to have trouble with jobs." In his response, Tan said he was qualified to propose alternative economic proposals, highlighting his educational background and policy-making experiences in the administrative service as supporting testimonials. "I am surprised; I studied economics at Oxford University and for six years, I worked in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) where I headed economic and manpower planning. "So I have knowledge of both economic theory and development economics. In addition, my proposals have been endorsed by Lord Butler who served three British Prime Ministers." Lord Robin Butler was a Cabinet Secretary to three British Prime Ministers - Margaret Thatcher, John Major and Tony Blair. On MM Lee's statements that the manufacturing sector is "more steady" than the services sector, Tan argued that an economic study has proven otherwise. He was referring to a study by three economists from MTI which was published in the Economic Survey of Singapore in 2009, titled "Is Smoother Always Better? Understanding Singapore's Volatility Growth-Relationship". Tan explained that the study — conducted over a 30-year period from 1978 to 2008 — concluded that the services sector as a whole has a relatively low volatility. And that a large part of the increased in volatility in Singapore has stemmed from the manufacturing sector. "It is these conclusions and the experiences of other countries that led me to propose that Singapore be developed as an integrated services hub for the region." At the rally on Sunday evening, a total of 10 SDP candidates delivered their speeches, focusing on the rising costs of living where they spoke out against the lack of government assistance to help Singaporeans cope with the issue.
  8. WP’s Pritam Singh: George Yeo as President By Liyana Low | SingaporeScene – Mon, May 2, 2011 4:42 AM SGT Workers' Party (WP) Aljunied GRC 'A team' member Pritam Singh says the party is "not looking to kill any tigers" during this election. During his rally speech at Yishun stadium on Sunday evening, Pritam responded to Foreign Minister George Yeo's wife, Jennifer, who said on Facebook that "who dares to kill her tiger would have to deal with her". He also hit back at Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong's comments, that the quality of the government will go down if Mr Yeo were to lose the election. "It is as if George Yeo, like all the tigers around the world, is being treated as an endangered species," said the post-graduate law student. "I promise you that the Workers' Party is not interested in killing any tigers... I would not be so worried about George Yeo. In the next few months, Singapore will host another election -- the presidential election," he told the estimated 10,000-strong crowd "I strongly recommend that George Yeo contest in the presidential election. In that way, George Yeo can still be part of the government and SM Goh can relax," he said to loud applause. Since Pritam's suggestion, several "George Yeo for President" pages have sprouted up on Facebook. One already has over 1,100 likes. The post-graduate law student also suggested that if Mr Yeo does find himself out of a job, he could become a Non-Elected Member of Parliament (NCMP) as the best-performing losing candidate in the elections. Meanwhile, WP chairman Sylvia Lim highlighted that the possibility of losing five talents in a GRC is a problem that the ruling party had created itself. In her rally speech, she questioned the PAP for changing the rules and the formation of the GRCs. "By having GRCs and making them so big, the PAP has raised the stakes and we opposition must contest with these stakes. If the system only has single seats, this problem wouldn't exist." Turning her attention to Labour Day, she also spoke on how the minimum sum for the Central Provident Fund (CPF) has been increasing over the past years. "In two years' time, the sum would reach almost S$150,000, and as a result, many Singaporeans who cannot meet this required sum are only allowed a withdrawal of S$5,000." She added that the People's Action Party (PAP) constantly changes the rules and has delayed the draw-down age for savings from 62 to 65. Lim told the crowd that the PAP needs to be reminded that it is the people's hard-earned money. The WP proposed that the draw-down age be 60 and that Singaporeans facing financial difficulties should be allowed to tap into their CPF savings under strict guidelines, she said. Unlike the PAP, who "treat Singaporeans like kids", she said, "The WP recognises that the money belongs to the people." With Polling Day fast approaching, all eyes continue to be on the WP team contesting the Aljunied hotspot. The team consists of former Hougang MP Low Thia Khiang, former NCMP Sylvia Lim, the party's "star catch" Chen Show Mao as well as family counsellor Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap and post-graduate law student Pritam Singh. They will be up against the incumbent PAP team fronted by Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Lim Hwee Hua, Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Madam Cynthia Phua and new face Ong Ye Kung, an assistant secretary-general of NTUC .
  9. Al Qaeda Leader Osama Bin Laden Killed Sky News – 55 minutes ago Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been killed in an American-led operation in Pakistan, US President Barack Obama has announced. In the latest pictures from Abbotabad, a town just 60 miles from the Pakistani capital Islamabad, flames are seen rising from a building that was the apparent target of the raid. It is thought Bin Laden had been living in a $1m villa in Abbotabad. He was reportedly asked to surrender by US forces before he was shot. Pakistani television stations have broadcast what they say is a confirmed photograph of the bloodied face of the world's most wanted man after he was killed. In the last few minutes, David Cameron has been speaking from Downing Street, saying the news would be welcomed across the country. "It is, I believe, a massive step forward," he said. Earlier, President Obama confirmed in a news conference: "I can report to the American people and to the world, that the US has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden." The US president said he was briefed about a possible lead to the whereabouts of the the world's most wanted man and mastermind of the September 11 attacks in August and last week appproved an operation "to bring Bin Laden to justice". "A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties," President Obama said. The body of Bin Laden - who fled the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 - was recovered by US officials from the compound in Abbottabad, northwest of Pakistan, where he had been hiding. President Obama said: "After a firefight they killed Osama Bin Laden and took custody of his body." A US official told reporters that the corpse was being handled in accordance with Islamic customs. Sky News' chief correspondent Stuart Ramsay said: "I am told that this happened in an attack on a house at 1.30 in the morning Pakistan time. The house has been cordoned off." It was not clear how long Bin Laden had been staying at the compound. Reuters quoted a US official as saying a son of Bin Laden's and two other adults were also killed in the raid. US citizens welcomed the news with hundreds of people gathering outside the White House and in New York's Times Square. Sky's US correspondent Robert Nisbet said: "We seem to be building a picture that this was very well thought through. Obviously the president was informed every step of the way. "It appears to have happened a few days ago with final confirmation coming today." President Obama spoke to former president George W Bush and former President Bill Clinton before announcing Bin Laden's death. President Bush said it was a "momentous achievement". "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done," he said in a statement. President Obama also warned that "al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks" against the US. "The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al Qaeda. His death does not mark the end of our effort," he said. The US state department issued a worldwide travel alert to all US citizens warning of an "enhanced potential" for US citizens to be targeted.
  10. Not all young Australian Men want more SEX - Survey Reuters, Mon, May 02, 2011 SYDNEY - Unbelievable as it may sound, not all young men want more sex. According to a survey of Australian men, 12 percent between the ages of 16 and 24 said they wanted less sex - the highest proportion of any age group. "Although it's a minority, it's still interesting that it's more of them (than any other age group), which is not that sort of myth, boys not getting enough sex and dying to get it," Juliet Richters, Associate Professor in Sexual Health, University of New South Wales, told Reuters. Richters and a team of researchers from around Australia surveyed some 4,300 heterosexual men and 4,400 women between the ages of 16 and 64. She said another survey five years ago showed similar results. Only 31 percent of men in that age group said they wanted more sex, the lowest of any other age group as well. "It may well be that they are being overwhelmed by girls of much the same age who are madly in love and very keen," she said. "It also takes men of that age about a year or longer to commit to a relationship." More predictably, the survey found that 57 percent of men between 35 and 44 wanted more sex compared with only 28 percent of women, while 14 percent of women said they wanted less. Half of men aged 55 to 64 wanted more sex, while only 27 percent of women in the same age group felt the same. "The evolutionary explanation is women are only keen on sex when they can conceive. A social explanation is a whole lot of stuff, including time, pressure, tiredness," Richter said. "I mean, sex is a leisure activity after all."
  11. I'm soooo EXCITED !!!...❤ღ。◕‿◕。ღ❤

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kueytoc


      Hah Hah...looks like U found the 'Noah's Ark'...Heh Heh Heh.

    3. TayHongSiang


      Dun mark the X out of the box, they will void yr vote. And mark X on the party u support...a lot of folks tot mark X means u dun want that party...no wonder they always win

    4. yellowtang


      The wind of change...

  12. World Football - 'To me, Pele is the BEST,' says Pele Wed, 27 Apr 15:37:00 2011 Pele has come out and said who he thinks is the greatest footballer of all-time himself. In a bizarre interview with CNN, in which he continually refers to himself in the third person, the Brazilian legend said: "To me, Pele is the best." The 70-year-old, who has recently taken up the role as honorary president of the reformed New York Cosmos team, explained his reasoning with no false modesty. "Nobody did what Pele did. Being champion of the world at 17 years old, won three World Cups, scored more than 1,208 goals - only him! "Then until now, nobody did this... to me, Pele is the best." Pele also had a dig at modern-day footballers, saying they were flashes in the pan who were not in the same class as stars from the past. "You can mention players that played for 10 years, for example (Franz) Beckenbauer, (Michel) Platini, (Eric) Cantona, Bobby Charlton, George Best, then come (Diego) Maradona, Zico. "Those players used to play a long time. Now the players they play one year, two years, then disappear." Pele again went back to referring himself in the third person when describing the greatest Brazil teams of all time. "In 1958, 1962, Brazil had excellent individuals. We had Garrincha, we had Didi, Djalma Santos. Also Pele, (Mario) Zagallo were excellent players. But as a team all together I think 1970 was no doubt the best team." Eurosport World Cup - Pele, Charlton, Cafu join 2014 Taskforce Thu, 14 Apr 22:52:00 2011 Pele, Bobby Charlton and Cafu will join the FIFA task force which look at ways of brightening up the game and improve refereeing in time for the 2014 World Cup. FIFA named the 22 members of the group and said it would start work on May 10 under the leadership of former West Germany captain and coach Franz Beckenbauer. "The task force's objective is to look at proposals to improve both the attractiveness of football and match control in elite competitions in areas such as the laws of the game, refereeing, competition regulations, women's football, medical matters and fair play," said FIFA in a statement. The group will provide a first report to the FIFA Congress in June next year. The group was set up as a response by FIFA to the drab, defensive football, especially in the group stage, and the controversial refereeing decisions which marred last year's World Cup in South Africa. Other former players involved include Frenchman Christian Karembeu, Zambia's Kalusha Bwalya and Spain's Fernando Hierro. "This vastly experienced team will address every facet of the game, tackling any challenges related to the game and coming up with appropriate solutions," said FIFA president Sepp Blatter. Beckenbauer said: "Important matters such as goal-line technology, additional referees, the so-called 'triple-punishment', behaviour on and off the field, as well as various other topics still need to be discussed and positively resolved." Reuters
  13. It felt like Stefanie Sun came on Stage By Alicia Wong | SingaporeScene Fri, Apr 29, 2011 2:04 AM SGT "It felt like (local artiste) Stefanie Sun came on the stage". That tweet by Twitter user Joyce Sim (@jovenaheart) pretty much summed up the current pop-star aura of National Solidarity Party (NSP) candidate Nicole Seah when she addressed the crowd at her party's rally held at Geylang East on Thursday night. Certainly, an estimated 5,000-strong crowd, made up slightly of more men than women, reserved their loudest cheers for this General Election's youngest candidate. Seah, 24, who was the second-last candidate to speak, spoke about the rising cost of living during her 15-minute speech which she peppered with smatterings of Mandarin and Malay. The Marine Parade GRC candidate lamented the high prices of public housing -- "public housing, indeed" -- and the Goods and Service Tax which eats into the middle class households' expenses. She also argued against the increase in foreigners in Singapore -- to the extent that "everytime I take the train, no need for a passport, I feel like I'm on holiday in a different country." Seah -- who in the space of two weeks has gained a huge following on Facebook with over 30,000 fans -- said the NSP also would focus on employment, growing wages and building a better quality of life for Singaporeans, she said. The party also "promises compassionate lower prices for first time homeowners". She reserved her strongest criticism for Prime Minister Lee Hsieng Loong when she asked point blank, "PM Lee, whose money are you using for upgrading? Whose money is used to pay your salary?" Also responding to PM Lee's comment that the GE is not "masak-masak", she said,"Of course the NSP team feels that it is not masak-masak lah, that's why the NSP never change its Tampines team at the last minute." As Seah rallied the crowd, her parents (right) stood by the side of the stage as her mother nodded and clapped along with the crowd. A total of 10 NSP candidates spoke during the three-hour rally. They tackled a variety of issues, ranging from housing, transport, quality of life, the group representation system and ministerial salaries. Asked Tampines GRC candidate Gilbert Goh, "Are you having a better life compared to five years ago? Is your salary right now higher than five years ago? Do you think you have a better Singapore compared to five years ago?" There was a sombre moment when NSP chief Goh Meng Seng paid tribute to his late brother, David Goh, who died from a heart attack on Thursday morning. The NSP Tampines team leader went on to lambast Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong for the high cost of living today through measures such as the electronic road pricing. He said, Singapore's former Prime Minister had introduced a "Swiss cost of living", rather than a Swiss standard of living. He blamed SM Goh for turning Singapore into a "company" and for focusing on GDP growth instead of the people. Meanwhile former MP Cheo Chai Chen criticised the government for not listening to the oppositions' ideas, while newcomer and Mountbatten SMC candidate Jeanette Chong-Aruldoss questioned PAP's candidate in Marine Parade GRC, Tin Pei Ling. When Tin rallied hawkers in MacPherson to pledge to keep prices steady, did she ask the National Environment Agency not to increase the rent of these hawkers, questioned Chong-Aruldoss. An estimated 5,000 turned up for the rally. (Yahoo! photo) Some members of the crowd told Yahoo! Singapore they found the atmosphere "festive" while others felt it was "a bit quiet". A group of four people, who live in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC, Alujnied GRC, Radin Mas SMC and Marine Parade GRC, said they would be visiting various rallies to found out more about the opposition parties. They said the NSP's arguments were logical and the party "brought out the frustrations of Singaporeans". 54-year-old Eric Perera, who lives in Marine Parade GRC, said the rally was "not as fiery" as previous rallies he had been to. But his two daughters who accompanied him felt the speakers "connected" with the ground, he said. After attending a few more rallies, "(there will be) deep searching inside on who I'll vote for," said Perara.
  14. Poor Turnout at PAP’s first GE Rally By Fann Sim | SingaporeScene – Fri, Apr 29, 2011 2:42 AM SGT If the outcome for this General Election was based purely on rally attendances, the Opposition would win hands down. An estimated 2,500 people, many of whom were hardcore party supporters, turned up for the People's Action Party's (PAP) first rally for the 2011 General Election at the field beside Buangkok MRT station on Thursday evening. That figure pales in comparison to the rallies for the Worker's Party in Hougang (estimated 20,000), in Geylang East for National Solidarity Party (estimated 5,000), in Clementi stadium for Reform Party (estimated 4,000) and near Commonwealth MRT for Singapore Democratic Party (estimated 10,000). Present at the PAP rally were candidates contesting Pasir Ris-Punggol Group Representation Constituency (GRC), Punggol East Single Member Constituency (SMC) and Sengkang West SMC. Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean stumbled early on in his speech, after he wrongly addressed the audience as a "Siglap crowd." He quickly made amends and address his audience as from "Sengkang West". On the topic of Singapore's cash reserves, DPM Teo -- who is leading the Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC team -- talked about the purpose of the reserve and how it helped Singaporeans tide over the financial downturn in the last five years. "Now, however, the opposition parties seem to have forgotten why we need the reserves... and they now want to raid the reserves for all kinds of clever ideas," he said. "To them, 60 billion dollars is small change," said the DPM before rhetorically asking the audience, "Do you know how many zeros there are in 60 billion? That to the government, is not small change." Michael Palmer, the PAP candidate for Punggol East also impressed residents when he spoke fluent Mandarin. "If you elect the PAP team for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, Punggol East SMC, the Pasir Ris Punggol Town Council will continue to see and manage the facilities of both Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC and the newly carved out Punggol East SMC," said the 43-year-old lawyer. He also announced that he will be appointed the town council chairman if elected and this appointment would ensure a seamless continuation of service without interruptions or any transition periods. Palmer also asked voters to think carefully about the three-cornered challenge posed by Desmond Lim from the Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) and Workers' Party Lee Li Lian for Punggol East SMC. "They have not worked the ground but appeared seven weeks before the Polling Day. Mr Lim said then (in 2006) that even if he did not win, he would continue to work the ground until the next election. After the election, we did not see Mr Lim for the next four-and-a-half years," said Palmer. Spotted in the crowd was former army chief and PAP candidate Chan Chun Sing whose Tanjong Pagar GRC was the only ward not contested. He was seen walking around alone surveying trying to gain a different perspective from his "backstage view". "I would say that a majority of Singaporeans are very logical and considered people. To make you vote, people can say things to stir your emotions and those things said may not be of substance," he said. A spectator who declined to be named told Yahoo! Singapore she was asked to attend the PAP rally to lend support. When asked who her employer was, she said "PCF", referring to the PAP Community Foundation organization known for it's pre-school kindergartens. A fair number of youths were also seen at the rally listening attentively to the various speeches. Nan, a 22-year-old student, said she had been a resident around the area since she was born. "I'm very excited about this election because of the opposition. I'm not very experienced though," said the first-time voter.
  15. Fresh opposition faces make their BOW Yahoo! Newsroom – Fri, Apr 29, 2011 12:28 AM SGT Four fresh opposition faces made their bow on national television during the Party Political The pre-recorded broadcast allowed a representative from each of the six major political parties contesting the General Elections to address a national audience on what the party stood for and its key messages. Each was given air-time of between 2.5 minutes to 12 minutes to speak (depending on the size of the party). National Solidarity Party's Tony Tan Lay Thiam, Workers' Party's Pritam Singh, Singapore Democratic Party's Tan Jee Say and the Singapore Democratic Alliance's Harminder Pal Singh -- who have been working the ground but have so far remained out of the full glare of the media spotlight -- stepped up to the plate and delivered. NSP's Tony Tan, 41, was the most impassioned of the lot as he spoke with conviction about "starting a new chapter" for Singapore on the premise that the current government had failed to provide a "Swiss standard of living." The ex-government scholar, who studied engineering on a Singapore Armed Forces Merit scholarship and is a Cambridge University alumni, urged voters to ring in a "chapter written by Singaporeans for Singaporeans" come Polling Day. Postgraduate law student Pritam Singh, 34, of the WP stuck closely to his party's slogan of a "First World Parliament", arguing that continued PAP dominance had led to a "bull-dozing of policies." Singh, who is on the WP's A-team that will contest Aljunied GRC, urged Singaporeans to vote for a Parliament that is "neither a national feedback unit nor a rubber stamp." SDP member Tan Jee Say, 57, who is part of the team contesting the Holland-Bukit Timah GRC spoke on the need to return power to the hands of the people. The investment adviser and ex-principal private secretary to Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong also called on policies to "remove GST for basic items, healthcare, education and foodstuffs" and "put Singaporeans first in jobs, good jobs, jobs that pay well." For his part, Singapore People's Party chief Chiam See Tong, despite his age and hunched posture, spoke clearly and confidently asking for greater accountability from the government. The 76-year-old opposition stalwart who will be gunning for Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC asked for greater transparency in the Mas Selamat escape case as well as the "gross overspending" for the YOG, the "investment decisions of Temasek and GIC" and the "use of CPF monies." Harminder Pal Singh of the Singapore Democratic Alliance said his party would raise five burning issues, including the cost of living and the high cost of medical expenses if voted into Parliament. Singh is on the SDA team that will contest the Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC. Reform Party chief Kenneth Jeyaretnam urged voters not be afraid of a "freak result" and instead to vote for a two-party system in parliament. He also promised a "better, fairer and more accountable Singapore" where "the government serves the people and not vice versa" if his party was voted in. People's Action Party's secretary-general PM Lee Hsien Loong made the final address as he laid out his party plans to double down on education, transport and aid for the less privileged so no one would be left behind. He also said his party is "tested and proven" and knows how to guide the country in tough times, such as the 2008 financial crisis and the ongoing security challenges posed by neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia.
  16. I have no other AGENDA: Vincent Wijeysingha By Faris Mokhtar | SingaporeScene – Fri, Apr 29, 2011 3:34 AM SGT Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) candidate Dr Vincent Wijeysingha says he has "no other agenda", other than discussing hot-button issues concerning average Singaporeans. Speaking at the party's rally which saw an estimated 5,000 people gather at an open field located near Commonwealth MRT station on Thursday evening, Dr Wijeysingha said, "Let me assure you all and Singapore from this place. I have no other agenda than your agenda. Why? Because I am one of you." Citing issues such as rising costs of living and housing prices, Dr Wijeysingha, 40, claimed that he is able to relate with the common man on their grievances. “I also feel the pinch of rising prices. I also have to think twice about going to the doctor when I have the flu. I also haven’t been able to afford a flat and I also worry about my parents old days,” he said. “I have spent my whole life working with the underprivileged and it is they who moved me and it is they who moved the members of my party.” “And if we have any radical idea, if we have any dangerous agenda, it is this, that all Singaporeans deserved to be happy and fulfilled, not just some.” His statements were a tongue-in-cheek reference to the “gay” video issue raised by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan. On Monday, the People's Action Party (PAP) Holland-Bukit Timah GRC team led by Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, had questioned if the SDP and in particular Dr Wijeysingha, will pursue the "gay agenda" in the political arena. This comes after a YouTube video showed the SDP candidate in a forum on how to further promote the rights of gays and lesbians. However, SDP chief Chee Soon Juan later responded that neither the party nor its candidates will pursue such an agenda and both parties have since put the matter to rest. Addressing the issue for the first time in public, Dr Wijeysingha who is also an executive director of a social welfare organisation says that he bears no hard feelings and would also like to put the matter behind him. "I would like to say something from my heart. Some of you may have read the headlines about me the last few days. I would like to say from this place that I have no anger to those who cause me to enter the headlines. "Politics is a stressful activity, not for me. But having said that, politicians make mistakes, we are human beings, and we say the wrong things," he said. "Dr Balakrishnan may have miscalculated, these things happen. I want to move on and I want to say from this place. I want to wish my PAP opponents the very best of luck and may the best men and women win." Meanwhile, other issues raised at the rally included ministerial salaries, accountability for the "overblown" budget of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) and the need for more public assistance. Coming on as the second last speaker of the night, the loudest cheers were ultimately reserved for Dr Wijeysingha as the crowd chanted "we want Vincent". When he asked why they attended the rally, the crowd replied, "To see you, Vincent", before they broke into laughter and cheers. According to the SDP, local celebrities such as actor-director Lim Kay Siu, TV host Denise Keller and local playwright Alfian Sa'at were also spotted at the rally. However, some people in the crowd were upset with the poor sound system which left many who were standing at the back trying to make out what the candidates were saying. One of them was 48-year-old researcher James Raj, who complained that he could barely hear a thing from the back of the crowd. "I was really looking forward to what Vincent was going to say but unfortunately I couldn't hear a thing. Perhaps they should add more speakers at the back of the field," he said.
  17. New Book sets the standard for Marine Names Ever been confused by a seemingly endless parade of scientific names for the fish you want? Help may be at hand in the form of a new book published by OFI. The book the 6th in the OFI Educational Series "Standard names for marine fishes, crustaceans and mollusks in the Ornamental Aquatic Industry" will be unveiled at Aquarama 2011. This book, together with the OFI Educational series number 5, provides proper scientific names for
 all animal species traded by the aquatic industry. As such it sets the standard for names in aquatic health legislation and is highly recommended for use in stock lists and price lists by the aquarium industry. The 128-page book, with over 75 species pictured, lists the scientific names for over 4000 fish, crustacean and mollusk species as well as hard corals, soft corals, sea anemones, sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins and sea cucumbers. Sustainable collection of marine organisms for the aquarium trade is also discussed as well as the new OFI web application for creating EU health certificates is introduced and explained. For more information see: Standard names for marine fishes, crustaceans and mollusks in the Ornamental Aquatic Industry. Roberto Hensen, Alex Ploeg and Gayatri Lilley ISBN: 978-90-75352-91-7
 Price: 12,95 Euros plus postage through the OFI website, and 7,95 Euros
at trade fairs
  18. '3D Movie' coming to an open-THEATRE near U !!!
  19. Party Rallies close to you on Friday 29 April By Ion Danker | SingaporeScene – Thu, Apr 28, 2011 6:28 PM SGT Time: 7 pm to 10 pm Where: Serangoon Stadium, 33 Yio Chu Kang Road Who: Workers' Party Time: 7 pm to 10 pm Where: Yio Chu Kang Stadium, 210 Ang Mo Kio Ave 9 Who: People's Action Party Time: 7 pm to 10 pm Where: Open field by Kallang Ave Who: People's Action Party Time: 7 pm to 10 pm Where: Jurong West Stadium, 20 Jurong West St 93 Who: People's Action Party Time: 7 pm to 10 pm Where: Jurong East Stadium, 21 Jurong East St 31 Who: Singapore Democratic Party Time: 7 pm to 10 pm Where: Open field bounded by Sengkang East Ave and Sengkang East Drive Who: Singapore Democratic Alliance Time: 7 pm to 10 pm Where: Open field bounded by Jurong West Ave 3, Jurong West St 22, 23 and 24, diagonally opposite Blk 276D Who: Singapore People's Party Time: 7 pm to 10 pm Where: Delta Hockey Pitch, 900 Tiong Bahru Road Who: National Solidarity Party
  20. WAH !...so many Taxpayers-$$$ Garlands !!!
  21. DIRTY POLITICS !!! Another 'ANWAR SEX VIDEO' uploaded on YouTube By Steven Daniel and Lee Yen Mun in Kuala Lumpur/The Star | ANN Thu, Apr 28, 2011 11:30 AM SGT Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - Another short clip of a sex video showing an individual resembling Malaysian Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has made its way into the Internet. The video, titled Papa Nurul Izzah Part II, was uploaded on YouTube at around 5.30pm Wednesday by a person with the alias wakparjosudorno' showing a naked woman walking into a bathroom and a naked man putting on his clothes. Based on profile details of the person who posted the video clip, the person appears to be an Indonesian, but there is no detail where it was posted from. It is believed that this clip is the final portion of the 22-minute video screened to journalists on March 21. On April 4, the first clip was shared on YouTube and it showed the same man in a towel, who later hugged the woman who was also in a towel. Unlike the previous video, this upload had no words in the Thai language running at the bottom of the screen. Due to those words, there was a possibility that the earlier clip was posted from Thailand. The date on the latest clip read 2011/02/21 while the time was between 22:43 and 22:45. The woman was seen walking towards another room, believed to be the bathroom, while the man wearing a towel patted himself dry, left the room and later reappeared naked. He then proceeded to wear his underwear, shirt and pants. By 7pm Wednesday, attempts to view the video were unsuccessful as the content was flagged offensive and removed from YouTube. But it was picked up and posted on several blogs. It is believed that police investigations against former Malacca chief minister Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Perkasa treasurer Shuaib Lazim, who make up the Datuk T trio, are not expected to be affected with the release of the new video clip. Meanwhile, Anwar's daughter Nurul Izzah, who is vice-president of the opposition Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), said her family knew that the actor was not her father and that it was another attempt to destroy their fighting spirit. She also called on Malaysians to rise above gutter politics. PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution insisted that the police were to blame for the sequel of the sex video clip implicating Anwar. He accused the police of prolonging the issue and failing to take action against Datuk T, although the trio have openly admitted that they were responsible for the production of the tape. "If we are to believe them (Datuk T), who claimed that the original copy of the video had been handed over to the police, then there is only one possibility on how it could have leaked on the Internet. "The onus is on the police to come clean," Saifuddin said. In his twitter, Democratic Action Party (DAP) adviser Lim Kit Siang criticised a local television station for showing the latest sex video clip during its prime time news slot. He said Malaysians would "feel violated in their homes with such disgusting TV fare" and that no child was safe at home.
  22. Posters of MAN in SEX VIDEO found at Bus Stop in Malaysia By News Desk in Kuala Lumpur/The Star | ANN 2 hours 34 minutes ago Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - Posters of a Picture Montage of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and clips from a SEX VIDEO were found at a bus stop in Jalan Genting Klang here. It is learnt that the stack of posters was found at around 11.30am on Tuesday. People grabbed copies of the posters which, on one side, featured black-and-white screen captures that focused on the face and body of a man in the sex video with coloured images of the opposition leader. A caption accompanying the images reads: "Tak perlu jadi pakar jika ingin buktikan sesuatu! (No need to be an expert to prove something)". On the reverse side is a black-and-white screen capture of a man in the buff and in the midst of wearing a shirt. A caption accompanying the photo alleges that Anwar went to London on April 16 to have plastic surgery and poses the question: "Fikirkanlah, bahagian manakah tubuh badannya untuk diubah? (Think about it, which part of his body would he want changed?)". Kuala Lumpur police chief Deputy Comm Zulkifli Abdullah said no police reports had been lodged and urged those in possession of the posters to lodge a report. "It is an offence punishable under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984," he said. Earlier this month in Malacca, a 16-page booklet containing obscene superimposed images of several Parti Keadilan Rakyat politicians was distributed to several offices. A check online revealed that at least one blogger received a similar booklet that bore the title Kisah Seorang Sifu Teragung Alaf Ini (The Story of the Greatest Grandmaster of the Century).
  23. 3D P.O.R.N. Film beats Avatar at Hong Kong Box Office AFP News Thu, Apr 21, 2011 2:54 PM SGT A Hong Kong movie billed as the world's first 3D P.O.R.N. film has broken the city's first-day box office record previously set by Hollywood blockbuster Avatar. "3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy" took in HK$2.8 million ($360,000) on its first day last week, outpacing director James Cameron's science fiction epic which drew HK$2.6 million, the P.O.R.N. movie's publicist told AFP Thursday. The film has taken more than HK$15 million since its release, she added. Curious movie-goers from all walks of life -- office workers, retirees and students -- stood in long queues outside Hong Kong cinemas on the film's first day last week, eager to catch an eyeful of the P.O.R.N. 3D action. Loosely based on a piece of classical Chinese erotic literature, the $3.2-million Cantonese-language movie features orgies, swinging and some very graphic sex scenes. Set in the Ming dynasty, the film chronicles the story of a young man who, after being introduced to the erotic world of an aristocrat, realises his ex-wife is the love of his life. The film stars Japanese adult actresses Yukiko Suo and Saori Hara. The movie, which opened in Taiwan last Friday, and has sparked strong interest in many Asian markets, including Japan and South Korea, as well as Europe and the United States, according to the producer. Travel operators were reportedly organising moviegoing excursions to Hong Kong and Taiwan for tourists from mainland China, where strict censorship rules prevent any screening of the film. "3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy" opened ahead of reported plans by other filmmakers to produce similar 3D P.O.R.N. movies. Italian director Tinto Brass has announced he is to produce a 3D remake of his 1979 erotic film Caligula, while Hustler plans to release a pornographic spoof of AVATAR, the top-grossing movie of all time.
  24. KUAN YEW says he would have liked a CONTEST in TG PAGAR By Singapore Straits Times | The Edge – Wed, Apr 27, 2011 3:14 PM SINGAPORE: Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said he would have welcomed a contest in Tanjong Pagar GRC, which was returned unopposed on Wednesday, April 27. Lee said the Singapore Democratic Alliance which was to have fielded a team in the five-member GRC had made a “feeble effort to show that they wanted to contest”. Lee, who has held the Tanjong Pagar seat since 1955, said the constituency has been transformed in the past few decades, as did the whole of Singapore since 1959 when he became the Prime Minister. Speaking to supporters after his team was returned in a walkover, Lee gave his assurance that they would continue to serve Tanjong Pagar residents for the next five years. Lee, who has not faced a contest in Tanjong Pagar since 1991, said he would have liked to see one there but the SDA team missed the noon deadline for filing their papers and was disqualified from contesting. “Everybody knows you have to put the papers in by 12 o'clock, so it's a feeble attempt to show they wanted contest,” he said. The other four PAP members in MM's team are Ms Indranee Rajah, Dr Lily Neo, new faces Major General (NS) Chan Chun Sing and Dr Chia Shi Lu. Dr Chia was a last-minute replacement Mr Baey Yam Keng who was originally slated for Tanjong Pagar GRC. Baey was moved to Tampines GRC to replace new candidate Steve Tan who pulled out on Wednesday morning. – Singapore Straits Times
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