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Everything posted by kueytoc

  1. so far so good as it just pecked on LRs. But my African Flameback is kind of different , I observed that it occasionally pecked on the base of my Cloves & Organ Pipes. So gonna monitor him for the time being.
  2. be careful of those small LRs that you stacked on top, may drop against the glass if you are not careful.
  3. Thanks for ya compliments bro. Sometimes pictures say a thousand words about those LFS we love or lost...memories forever. Sigh, my sweet brasilian flameback gone M.I.A. liao since last Sunday... So there you go, in this hobby sometimes you lose good 'stuffs' along the way.
  4. Ohhhhh yeah baby yeah...nice tank bro !!! Appreciate if you can PM me ya tank maker contacts & the online store that you ordered ya stuffs.
  5. I would advise that you try to remove those very aggressive tangs first before you introduce angels again. At least the angel will not be too stressed trying to fend off attacks while having to adapt to its new environment.
  6. You should go for Genicanthus family of Angels...more reef-safe than the rest. As for Centropyge family, it depends on the fishes...some peck, some behave. Flame Angel so far is 50-50 & you may have to remove some fleshy LPS especially pratas, cynas if you have them in ya tank.
  7. close-up of Brazilian Flameback Angel aka Centropyge Aurantonotus under blue HO T5.
  8. my baby REGAL getting a bit excited over him/her...examining the new addition !
  9. Hopefully, it will get along well with its long distance cousin...the African Flameback !
  10. Its color is so much intense under Blue T5...
  11. I'm dreaming of a ...Brazilian Flameback Angel aka Centropyge Aurantonotus. Alas, managed to buy the very last piece of a good-sized specimen from SL.
  12. it's in my wish list apparently... But need to save enough $$$ first. Next stop...the Brazilian Flameback Angel aka Centropyge Aurantonotus !
  13. you can get these from couple of places like Marine Life, Sea Life, LCK 110, Aquaria Arts, Aquamarin, etc.
  14. my definition of ultra-exotics are...Black Tang, Gem Tang, Mystery Wrasse, Exquisite Fairy Wrasse, Blue Flasher, Muti-color Angel...
  15. the resplendent Watanabe Angelfish Male aka Genicnathus Watanabei.
  16. my current baby...African Pygmy Angel aka Centropyge Acanthops
  17. Go for the Genus Genicanthus...you will not regret ! http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-02/hcs3/index.php
  18. Sigh...& I'm already thinking about my next dream purchases... Brazilian Flameback Angel aka Centropyge Aurantonotus, Japanese Swallowtail Male aka Genicanthus Semifasciatus...
  19. Alas, my purple-backed Dottyback has met its match ...the African Pygmy Angel ...defending its ground ! Ohhhh la la...
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