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Everything posted by kueytoc

  1. some 'gems' from recent AM shipment...must learn to 'kin chew kin ka' than the folks from Khunthep. Hee hee
  2. No need to OFF skimmer according to the instruction. Best of all this enriching food does not raise nitrates. REEF BUGS™ is certainly a good alternative food for our pocket-shrinking $$$###### corals ! Best of all REEF BUGS™ can last between 4-6 mths as you do not need to 'whack' so much to feed ya corals unlike some other products. You'll have no REGRETS mate !
  3. No stakes or 'steaks' here...sit back & enjoy the 'puffy' look !
  4. Ah Beng...2 Coral Beauty (nice sizes), Queens Angel, Pencil Wrasse , Ornate Wrasse
  5. Hi, flowrate shouldn't be a problem because of the turning effect. You may want to reconsider. Cheers...
  6. I would say it's an intelligent & cost-effective way to create wave currents using ya return pump or powerhead. Interested ?
  7. Hi, the rotating portion is circled in BLUE. Yes, you can shorten the length of the extension juz like a socket-joint. Interested please PM me ya mobile no to confirm collection. Cheers...
  8. Selling a brand new set of Hydor FLO Rotating Water Deflector + Loc-Line for $95 cash & carry only. * Rotates 360 degrees. * Driven by water flow of power head or return pump. * No additional power source required. * Creates a natural & pleasant wave effect. * Flow rates of about 80-310gph. Pl PM me to confirm collection.
  9. Beware, this shrimp is not reef safe.
  10. If you have the $$$ to splash, they may even hand-delivered to you ...
  11. Yoz, any bro here who have plenty of $$$ to throw, you may want to consider buying a prized catch of Gem Tang for only USD2,999... http://www.marinecenter.com/fish/tangs/gemtang/
  12. CONGRATS !!! You certainly have an awesome tank mate !
  13. You can get AM ORP from Reef Depot.
  14. Wow, you're changing to a new tank so soon...enjoy ! A word of advise is to get good & reliable equipments at the very beginning so that you don't waste time & $$$ upgrading later on.
  15. Ooops, I shouldn't say so much...my BLACKCAP mad with me.
  16. REEF BUGS™, REEF BUGS™, a potent gourmet for our deserved, beloved & $$$ corals !!! It's YUMMY BABY YEAH !
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