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Everything posted by spawns

  1. hi all, im selling these..... collection will be at tampines. sms me @97336624. FCFS! Shah. green blasto=$30
  2. hi im interested in the cr. is it too big for a 2fter? im going for a full sps tank.
  3. i didnt know black tang hv blue thick strip n blue fins! realy NICE ! can share wif us where did u get it from?
  4. hehehe i knew u gonna say that....
  5. i always thought u hv more deeeeepeeer pockets then any reefers here! hehe J/K
  6. yup! i agreed! ok then! i cant sleep well if i got that kind of scratch on my tank! ha ha J/K! y dont u sell of ur jet n get a better skimmer?????theres always be a better one out there!
  7. hey bro! nice tank u got there... u want some zoos? i got afew maneater to give away....let me know ok?
  8. where is the beaver! J/K! i think u should put the shrms in some shady area first n c how its goes from there...
  9. haaaa....just come back from S' Pool....*fingers cross* 2wks! thats like forever!
  10. hey paul, from ur FTS, i didnt c the long scratch on the front glass.... how did u manage to remove it? can share some tips?
  11. sweet tank! high end *5 star* equipment! i hv a Q....did u buy the skimmer/pumps thru online orders or locally? if so how long does it take those super-duper RDs to reach to ur door steps? *sight* u make me ####this morning ..........off i go to buy TOTO.......
  12. i used a small fish hook to fish out the bugger.... after it buried my orange plate....
  13. u interested to trade wif these?
  14. upz. p.s will gv free mushrm. terms n conditions applies
  15. $35 include RESUN pump/valve/rubberhose sms @ 92398385 FCFS. collection tampines.
  16. wow! i can only dream to own such a beautiful tank like that
  17. as above..... anyone? contact me @ 92398385 Shah.
  18. better pic of the mushrms....
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