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Everything posted by spawns

  1. Hi Just want to say, if you decided to add clown, try Fire Clown! My fav clown of all and being with me for a year. Need no host anemone. It so use to me that it even can be hand fed(only by me).Anyway, i just sharing mine thoughts. Bye! Pros- very hardy and beautiful fish and eat like pig(not choosey eater) cons-quite aggr towards other clowns and grow quite big. attach is my FAT Fire Clown.
  2. Flame Angel or Centropyge loriculus are prone to nip at stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and clam mantles. If the Flame Angelfish is to be added to a peaceful community, it should be the last fish introduced. They adapt well to aquarium life, but should be kept in an established system. Conclusion. Reef Compatible # With Caution #
  3. I was wondering why are you selling it whereby it was use in just three weeks and yet you rated it "one of the best, if not the best H.O.T skimmer available." ????
  4. Octopus Bay are selling A@#^M MH at a very good price. Trust me, I've been there yesterday.
  5. Sand Shifter SeaStar. Easy to take care. Eats alge and did a great job to clean your main tank sand. Find out more at this site. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...d=23&pCatId=572
  6. Why not add more clown.....since you have 2 diff kind already. I suggest a Fire Clown. I bought 2 weeks ago and gets along great with others. Beautiful fish and eats well too. i wish i had a pic of it to share but to bad my digital cam is with my cousin.
  7. Tube Anemone That is what i have. Eazy to keep in fowlr but very aggressive. Infact i have 4 of them. White, purple, green and pink. All are in medium size. See attachment below. But beware, they eat almost anything! including live fish. to find out more visit this site http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...d=23&pCatId=636
  8. Hey marineguy! how much you do selling? Maybe i can ask me cousin staying @ Melaka whether he wants it?
  9. Wah very nice but to bad i'm broke right now. can installment? he he he!
  10. any pics on the PL tube and casing?
  11. Thanks typrobin. i will check it out.
  12. Does anybody know where can i get this overflow similar to the pic attach above and roughly how much do it cost me?
  13. I'm looking for an overflow box. Prefer those with 700 to 900gph flow. Anyone selling?
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