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Everything posted by spawns

  1. cant get my eyes off the 'blue' everytime u post pics of it simply gorgous hehe
  2. i thought this tank is suppose to be FOWLR? go for 250 n change ur tank title to "my 1st sps tank" haha bro u are just a few step away into the dark side ! that a good setup tank u got there bro!
  3. due to buyer not responding,i got no choice but to frag to a smaller piece. asking for $25. collection today @ Tampines need to sell quick cause its in shaded... sms me 97336624 Shah.
  4. hi all. selling all these for 10bucks. baby planton 99%full oyster egg 99%full pellet 99%full red veg. 70%full can come collect @ tampines fcfs sms 97336624 Shah. bye.
  5. ok haha! like that can go ikea first than chiong ericsson
  6. hey hammy,any idea wat time tmrw ericsson SPS shipment ? they also got fish shipment too leh?
  7. i agree what blueheaven said. from what u post dated on Oct 9 2006, 11:26 PM, does it take that long to get the PI approval to post some pics of the mega huge tank? i hv never seem anyone setting up a monster tank like this locally before? can share just a photo,pls? p.s wat is PI stand for?
  8. what can i say....ur tank already JAM PACKED n its time to upgrade!
  9. nice LR stacking. i can never achive such hight when stackin mine. would it be too late if i say that if your back glass tank to add or paint color?eg ocean blue,dark blue or black? imho, the back ground color can gv more "the depth look" to ur tank n at the same time the LR can be more err how to say..."stand out" or looks more natural?
  10. ok guys,pls ignore the link. pic attach is the pcs i gonna frag into 2pcs.im selling the right pcs.each size is as big as a adult size hand. $50 neg each pcs. collection @ Tampines. can collect tonight. sms me 97336624 Shah. thxs
  11. is it the controllable ones? wow that pcs is my top of "to get" list!how did u manage to get it?
  12. hi piero, another good quality of product from gerrad the tank maker. do u ever consider a pressure rated pump for ur tank?eg MDs 55/70 etc etc.. if u hv some space to spare in the cabinet, u can opt for it. imo, its good for such big tank like yours(considering the head loss) n can also do some T-Off too. its just my 2cents.
  13. WoW! wif all those super gadgets n quality LS, whether Phase I or Phase II or what ever comes next, i must say that im truly impress of ur setup n salute u of being one of the most "hard core" reefers around. ty for sharing ur tank.
  14. nice but correct me if im wrong,u mentioned its ur second time n ur first failed? may i know what happen the first time? n a week of cycling u hv already put LS? a YT in a 1wk old 2ft u said? forgive me,im not trying to be rude but i think u are following the same footpath as ur first setup,or please proof me wrong. please do more research n lets ur hobby serve u better,not either wise p.s im trying to be helpful using my own words n if this feel disturbing,please forgive me.
  15. upgrading? wonder whats ur future skimmer is?
  16. thread close. big tks for all the interest!
  17. items reserved till tonight... if kene aroplane, items goes to next buyer... tks.
  18. i think more like a 10cent coin size.... frankly speaking guys,the photo madmac took dont do justice of the true colors of the monti.its simply beautiful
  19. as above.... Skimz FR(no media) +ehiem compact 600series ------------------ $60 ------------------
  20. alamak dont tell people la! hahaha!
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