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Everything posted by spawns

  1. i hv beckett 4 sale.... 8"diameter/32inch tall well maintain/mint condition with no history of leakage. piping included but not the rubberhose(buyer need to buy) performance wise rated excellent(been using for my 3ft tank with very heavly stock n feeding of LS) reason 4 selling...taking too much space n finding a good needlewheel skimmer for insump type. $400(without md55) $450(included md55) *FCFS n no obligation/money back garantee if leaks upon installing.* p/s those who interested,pls leave contact no through PMed.
  2. ha ha u guys are funny la ok bro...as long it free, i take it
  3. guys, i need to find 5watts pc actinic bulb....anybody knows where could i find one?i hv been seaching hi n low for this bulb....all LS that ive patrol only selling 9watts n above. any idea where to find?
  4. after all that, my pico looks M.T. so hop on to my bike n zoooom to LPS ...n bought this... common zoanthids n yumas....
  5. manage to find this mini... $6 only
  6. update..... i did some major changes on my pico. it seems that cyno(yes... cynobacteria) has taken over my pico!so what i did was....took out everything/did some scrubbing/clean the tank/change rowaphros/took out the sand/70%water changed/install a mini pump(c pic below) for more circulation n did some rescaped.
  7. hi,my tank too small n with that kind of limited space/water volume,i doubt any fish could survived BUT NOW i hv second thought.... what fish do u think suitable to fit in? i was thinking of a small yellow goby... *sight*to put or not to put.... u mention diatoms? my fishless tank also got diatoms ...4days of 20% water change(using distilled water to mix somemore) n using distilled water ALSO to topup still got diatoms AND also im using ROWAphos somemore.... *sight* again...
  8. aiya lorensia, i hv to "WWF" my way through to get these good ones lah! u think i want to exchange wif u? ha ha J/K bro.... its just my luck to spot this one:paiseh: n tks for the compliment....
  9. IMHO,bidding at this "Sell off/Pasar Malam Shop" forum causes less good n more controversy to alot of bidders/sellers(just c the recent threads if u don’t believe me). I hv to admit that I ,sometimes hv the urge to bid for something in the forum but the words that always popping out in my mind saying” AM IM PAYING TOOOO MUCH?” restrain me to do so…. y cant just we all do or practice like we all normally do the old ways. is the new bidding systems somehow improve the productivity or just keeping good sucess rates by keeping out the unlicense pilots/aroplane flyers from biddings? This is mi opinion only….not trying to pointing anybody…. Cheers …………………………………………………………………
  10. yap....diatoms nope....no frags at the moment
  11. update....went to LFS yesterday...couldnt find nice zoos so bought these... still in stress but today abit "OK" so took some pics...n oh ya,pls ignore the diatoms
  12. ha ha cdckjn , i dont think so that is useful. whats the purpose for that,may i know?i i thought by doing 15% to 20% water change,u are accually introducing new fresh salt water to ur tank...ur main tank water is not new...correct me if im wrong.what i did is,newly prepared salt water is store in a jerrycan(i hv 2containers 25ltrs of those) for my main 3ft tank waterchange n changing water for my pico is a breeze,compare to my 3fter tank
  13. tks zephyros. accually i was thinking that too but i hv to drop the idea...to complicated. n for the airstone,yes im considering putting one in the hangon filter.
  14. yap... seem all the smallest pump/powerhead cant fit inside my tank(tank size too small for them)so i hv to depand on the hang-on external filter.
  15. hi all! can soft corals like yuma,rics,mshrooms to be place very close(or touching) to each others.will they stings or declare territorial war?and also i like zoos too to be place very close to them.... can advice me,anyone?
  16. maybe a pair of ###### shrimps but no fish... looking forward to ur setup maybe can get some frags from u he he
  17. fan hv already fix in the hood n it goes on together with light(both are plug using a timer) water evaporate 10ml per day so topping up distilled water manually every morng. temp...27 to 29c salinity...1.023 PH...7.9 to 8.0 no2,no3,po4,mg,kh,cal-- all not tested yet. i can see few diatoms on sandbed need to reduce light period..cant help it,too cute to off the light!!!!
  18. i would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslim reefers a "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI"
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