Good evening SG reef community, I would like to extend my warmest regards to forumers here new and old.
I have tried keeping a marine aquarium before but it was not successful. I think this is probably because i used tap water. This time as my budget allow, i decided to use Alpheus distilled water to fill up my 30 gallon tank mixed with red sea reef salt.
I don't have much in my tank but I will fill in more live rocks as time goes by.
I would gladly receive any ideas, suggestions, tips on what's the best way to go forward.
I got my items on the cheap and here they are:
JBJ 30 gallon Nano rimless tank.
JBJ Ocean Plus Duo wave maker
JBJ Accella SP1-1000 submersible power heads (2 of them)
Biocube protein skimmer with air stone and air pump
unknown no name LED 54 watts from taobao (12 blue 6 white)
cheap aquazonic led lights for my chaeto for on the back filter.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app