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Everything posted by nakazoru

  1. Anemone is largely dependent on: 1. Light 2. Water Parameters. So you decide, which is area is wrong. Describe your equipement if you can.
  2. The BTAs will move even if you seperate them. If they are the same kind I dun think will attack each other. But it is really not a bad idea to give them some space. Give the space for the anemone does split the territorial dominance of the tomato clown. Perculas clowns are common target of other clowns as they are much less aggressive. They dun do well if always being bullied, split the anemone if they dun move.
  3. The boxer shrimp does not stays well with another boxer, or other shrimp like skunk shrimp. Provided they are able to avoid each other in a big tank. I keep them for 3 months before one will just be remaining. Thats my experience, but can have more if tank is big enuf for them to have unpleasant encounter.
  4. This is a sign of a cycling tank, happens to most beginners. Though no LS but the LR is life by itself, it is a sign that the water is not ready. The expanding mould is just a sign of your rock reacting to the new tank/uncycled water. Either waste it of scrub it off.
  5. Not too tightly pack, otherwise where got flow. About 1 inch of media, excluding filter sponge.
  6. It works for since the first day of the hobby since 2001. But need to know the combination of the media to use and of course the bigger canister the better. Regular maintenance every 2 month, i.e replacing the filter sponge. Careful with canister that some are easier to maintain than the other.
  7. Bros; Any idea if anywhere in Singapore sells a double endcap?
  8. Look like a 60s television... Blurrrrrr..... You using a external canister filter? Add some activated carbon, and water will be crystal clear. But maybe after your tank is fully cycled after 3-4weeks.
  9. What does this tank do? Look expensive for just jelly fish.
  10. That is right. Power filter with filter attached. I can generate some bubble with it any way but splashes all around the place. Skimmer, like to have, but find it unsightly to have in standing in the living room. Anyway, it is a 30G tank, too small to have so much equipement. Those cheap scape skimmer dun seems to work.
  11. Did you bribe the customs of Indonesia? The last time I bought a ghost fish, I need to bribe them... Bribe him more than the price of the fish.
  12. Yep; Its a no buy. They are blind and eats planktons. I think they will definitely be sucked into the filter and powerhead. Jelly fish becomes Jelly beans After that I think its toxic will kill the fishes. Forget it. Still, they are cute stuff or aliens...
  13. My tiny hairy crab did nothing to the fishes, just the size of my thumb. Scavenge at the bottom of the tank. The fishes are larger than him so no harm. A beauty to watch as it is very shy. Since yours is a big one, so be cautious loh. Dun know what it will snap at. But mission almost impossible to catch it. Only comes out in the dark, maybe try setting up some trap, near its hideout. A piece of prawn meat should do the job.
  14. My main tank is in the corner and out of the way of any sun. However bcos its a enclosed tank and not much ventilation at that corner, the water temperature is higher than my QT which is located at the window with morning sun. My QT just a 2 ft tank with no hood or lights or what so ever. so very well ventilated by the air coming from the window. So temperature is okay, morning sun is not directly on the tank. But water evaporate very fast and of course algae grow like mad. So main tank should stay out of the morning sun otherwise scrub like mad every week.
  15. Is it essential to bubble the reef tank? I use to bubble my tank since beginning of my tank. Since rescaping, I remove the air diffuser. They fishes do not seems to mind at all. So the question is how far can I survive with out air diffuser. I do not have a lot of Live stock. I hate bubbles as it splashes water every where and later crystalize to salt... messy.
  16. Did you wet the pellets? Most pellets are water soluble over time, and certainly absorb mositure in the fridge. They are not spoit. I use to garlic soak my pellets and it turn powdery. No problem and the fishes just eat it, but of course bad for the water quality. You do not need to put pellets in the fridge if you do not garlic soak the pellets.
  17. I will have to say any food is good so long they appear healthy. Bear in mind that fishes do not really eat everyday in the wild, they hunt, and good hunt dun really comes by. Hungry fishes are more active than well fed fishes. They are always on a look out for food, while well feed fishes are lazy and bumpers. The best food is something that the fishes eats and convenient for reefers. Fishes eats anything if they are always kept hungry except for diet specfic fishes. Hungry fishes are always more alert and active.
  18. Never stir the sand or shift LR too much as it is a Storage of trash. They acts as a filtration media in the tank. Thats what happens, and take care. Water change- no need as it is cause by you but since so much fish perish, might as well.
  19. Eeeeeeeer, thats gross. Aiya, that we see every now and then. They are in LR you buy, always there, no matter how you treat LR. Maybe you should try cooking the LR. Then contribute these worms to Fear Factor. Conclusion: Never mind, they are scavenger, you hardly see them until they die. Normally when the salinity is too low or high. Only the tough reefer survive.
  20. Don't be mad. Your tank will be fishless. Why don't you go to the zoo and ask if the antelope, rabbits, horses, monkeys.... if they want to stay with the Lion King. Lion shall be kept alone. You think antelope, rabbits, horses, monkeys.... like to stay with a baby Lion? Same logic. Your tank will become very dull with only one lion. Face it, no Lion. Sorry for being so frank.
  21. Wow your true percular clown really nice. Can give me one when the young one grow up?? Puppy clowns.
  22. Maroon are the most aggressive clowns. So they almost certainly attack any clowns that are new addition. My case is that 2 maroon I bought the same time but not mated. 1 is slightly larger than the other, so my guess is both are asexual. I put both in the QT and partition the two of them. For them to get use to each other. The larger on instantly turn aggressive wanting to attack the other one. The other on will try to hide, lucky for the partition. After two days, I leave a gap for them to swim around and chase each other. Big chasing small. You will see the submission rituals of clowns. The small one will eventually develop rot fins from attacks. So long he is still eating, it is okay. Otherwise partition again if it get too bad. The beating will stop eventually when they decided who is female and male. Mine happens after two weeks. One will grow larger and the other same size. Don't seems to fight again. Happily paired. For your case, I believe they have already decided who the "lau ban niang" (female). How long did you add the small maroon clowns? There should not be too much fighting if one is already female and the other asexual or male. The fight is to determine who shall be female where same maroon is concern. Yours are mated already. With the correct enviroment they will spawn . Hope that happens. Aiya, why no one answer my clarke question...
  23. How many clowns must die before I find a mate??? I been getting my clown mates but always get attacked by this guy even the new addition is larger, eventually perish. I use to mate maroon clowns which later perish due to filter failure which make me buy a better filter. Maroon clowns are much more aggressive but I manage to pair them. This silly clarke is always bullying the new mate which perish due to weak resistance. The small one bullying the big one. Confused... Maroon clowns always the big attacking the small, which in turn make the small one male... I thought should be the same for all clowns... Any suggestion that I miss something?
  24. Guys; Saw some minature green jelly fish at AquamaXXX, very cute. Keeps bumping every where. So tempted to buy, dun have the guts to do so... seems like very difficult to keep, sure die if it come to my home. Any keep it before??
  25. Good thing you dun have live stock. If the cotton wool is not on a big rock, waste it. Otherwise scrape it off. Suggested Action Plan: 1. Test water parameter. Salinity, PH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. 2. Add "complete reef" additive. 3. Add 2 blue demsel to cycle. 1.5SGD a piece, dun overfeed. 4. Wait out the cycle. 5. Expect diatom (Algae) boom... 6. Remove demsel, if you can catch it 7. Rest the tank fishless for 2 weeks, to eliminates parasites. May add inverts. 8. Give Demsel away, as it may have parasite (ich) or QT it. 9. May add fishes of your choice, but QT these addition. Hope I did not miss anything. Good luck. To me eliminating parasite is very important... Causes the most problem on a long run.
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