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Everything posted by nakazoru

  1. Bro; Some pix leh, yuma or florida??
  2. Overdose??? I tot dosing calcium will not cause too much stress to the coral? I tot. What you using by the way?? Kalkwasser? I drip Kalkwasser every day, scare it happens to my coral leh.
  3. Small quantity I heard is okay. Never try before but will not buy to expensive ones. Anyway I will come back for Christmas and go back after New year.
  4. If got Yuma, I sure buy and share with reefers here one!
  5. Hi Guys & Gals; Some of you know I'm in Indonesia, I have this to share. I search the web for LFS/farm and found Surabaya is one major export of LS/coral to everywhere. Coral/LS come from everywhere and shipped here. So I try to locate the LFS/farm. Wah difficult to find man. 1st weekend found a night aquarium market (I meant street market) that sell majority Fresh water fishes but with two lousy marine store. Did not find anything that is worth buying and corals are displayed under poor lights. Ask the price, it is at least 1/2 as cheap here. Saw one 4-5" powder blue tang ~28SGD. I think still can bargain. 2rd weekend, call a reef tank setup guy for direction, but did not want to tell me where to get coral/LS, think he wants to get me to buy his setup, said want to come down to show photo of his setup, got his contact from advert in reef tank in few major shopping center. Carry on search, found another street aquarium market, this time better, 3 marine store, again poor lights. But better than the 1st. Quite happy, more stuff on display. Check the price, cheap again. Fist size Clam ~ 5SGD (not fully open as poor lights) Super big 3-4" Sabae clown ~ 3.5SGD Metalic Open Brain Coral ~ 8SGD Super big black 10" Frog fish ~ 28SGD Super nice Orange Carnation Tree ~ 7SGD One kind of very nice fan-like with small blue/purple bulks (dun know what is it) ~ 3SGD. 8" Volitan Lion (They tell me scopion but I sure is lion) ~ 6-7SGD Lots of bubble, frogspan, torch, gonio, blue sponge, suncoral, red Cauliflower, tongue, shrooms, dull zoo, coco worms, no SPS. Fishes - so many that I see in Singapore, except the frog fish so big. Dun know if I buy too much, difficult to clear custom or not... Also dun know what to buy. So tempted with Orange Carnation Tree, but difficult to keep... Sianz. Too bad no ric... Sianz. I think good stuff exported liao. Any suggestion on expensive coral in Singapore that I should buy here in Surabaya??? Value for the effort to carry...
  6. No lah; still in indon.. Good luck toyour tank.
  7. Go ask the auto guys that deal with windshield or paint scratch, maybe they have some stuff that will cover the scratch. Some products claims can even cover chip... Teflon or something like that...
  8. Here you go. Left is the 5 SGD zoo, Right is the 3 SGD Zoo. Pix is taken by a lousy person like me who cannot use DC.
  9. Really the blue center with brown skirting looks good. Should have listen to you... Seems like you always have an eye for better stuff. I think your DC also not very solid one leh, the color should be brighter
  10. Not I dun want to take, either my photo taking lousy or my DC lousy. Maybe tomorrow, I try.
  11. Went to reborn and bought some super-colored bali zoo, super-green ones for 5 bucks. Light Red ones for 10 Bucks. Maybe 2morow go buy second lots. Now the 3 bucks one look really ulgy/dull....
  12. Just got my Bali star polyps today and place it at the top of the big solid stone. I will keep an eye on it now.
  13. Not fair, not fair... Joking lah. Okay my frag all seems to be doing very well recovering. No melting away. One show 75% dish recovery in just one day. Too tire to take picture today, suffering from pre-assignment syndrome for my indon trip. Went Reborn today, saw maxstar81 . Check with Ah boy and told me surabaya got good coral, will check it out and get goodies back if possible. Maybe tomorrow post pix.
  14. Not available for recreational use of chiller. Commercial/Industrial grade YES.
  15. Sweet and sharp pictorial and summary. All the points in. Very good.
  16. Errr, By the way, do you get paid by doing referral???
  17. one of the two rock frag from Sunny03. Oh ya, bros that inherited frag, dun forget to update the well-being of these frag... Bros who did not make it, Spawn and LoReNsIa, maybe next time have other workshop, can join us again. Thank you all Bro & Sis for participating...
  18. On the whole, it was very light-hearted workshop... Believe it of not, I expect blueheaven to be young, now see him in real person, wah 16 yo, just finish 'O' level, knowledgable with reef-keeping, organising events for SRC... Bros who can make it to Anthony Calfo seminar, pls support the event by attending. It was orgainsed by Bro Blueheaven. I cannot make it, leaving for indon next wed... Makes me feel so "bai sei" A big to you. Another big tank you to Sunny03 and Maxstar81 for contributing their mushie giving it out as goodies end of the workshop. In the end my mushie and yuma nvr use for frag... Here is the frag pieces, that I inherit from the workshop, from bro Maxstar81.
  19. Okay Okay; Did not take too much of the process... The frag process pix will be update by one of the participant, shots taken by veliferium then to blueheaven for write-up... me only have a few photo to share Here is one, just the beginning of the workshop, everyone just tok co*k sing song for a while..
  20. I tot pris - meant go prison together. "Kia tiao"
  21. Why need coral chip ha? I dun use coral chip, new bio-ring I have.
  22. Actually there are better success feeding the kuning (piece Nasi Lemak fish). But once prawn work, it is ok. They dun really like prawn.
  23. Different Anemone has different temperment. Not all anemone are hosted by clowns. All depends on what kind of anemone. Most BTA will not eat clowns, but not unheard of. Most fishes depends on moonlit to avoid predation in the night, when it is too dark, and ventured near the anemone, it just get stick to the tenticle of the anemone and consumed. Installing a moonlit does help LS to avoid danger. If the anemone did not like the food or too full, it spit it out whole.
  24. Guyz; If dun mind PM ur HP no. So I can contact you is I need your help or rearrangement. Just in case.
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