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nakazoru last won the day on November 17 2015

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About nakazoru

  • Birthday 01/17/1972

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    Toa Payoh

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  1. Actually I do not remove the market prawn. Make sure it decompose and disappear for ever. That is the purpose of the prawn. To buy NSW perform water change 50% probably is what I will do now if you want to be fast. Means u spent more. Else just wait it out. Dun waste money on test kit also at this stage. A Chromis on day 30 will do the job.
  2. Day 12 is is probable 50%-75% of cycling process. To speed up cycling, you can buy sea water, use aged water from some reefers, add 2 market prawn and wait. Dosing Bac without feeding them and if without rocks/ceramic ring for them to colonize is going to be slow.
  3. Hi all; Nice to return after such long time. Just want to check and gather any reefer with good expertise on Commercial Hatchery Operations. Can PM me on a project I working on. Nakazoru
  4. That is Easy. Set a trap with a fresh fish food in it. Make sure other fish cannot get in. Shrimp is attracted to food. Take note Mantis like hunt though.
  5. Bumpz... Notice I keyed in a wrong number... SMS @98290098
  6. Its not an easy algae. Please do not mix turtleweed and hair algae, they are different. Hair algae propagates, Turtleweed very slowly if they dun wither. Turtleweed shimmer in tank nicer than hair algae, i.e smooth in the flow. Advise not to waste money.
  7. Hi all; Please see below for sales and FOC: 1. MCE600 with media box (with Reef depot sticker), faulty Aquabee pump. Replaced with a Devil Needlewheel Pump, 13W which work better than the Aquabee. Selling 150SGD with the faulty Aquabee pump. Add 40SGD to include the Devil Needlewheel Pump see pix. 2. Tunze DOC Skimmer 9021, twin tower with both faulty pump hydrofoamer. If you have a good replacement pump, a good option to DIY. Selling 100SGD with the faulty Aquabee pump. 3. Skimz CR with 2 CO2 Tank, All Selling for 200SGD Please SMS @98200098
  8. Chances is that there are some type of algae on the LR that retard coraline growth
  9. 8.6 is moderately high, nothing to be alarm. Depending what chemical are you dosing to your reef, that will affect your ph. A reading of KH, Ca will help to determine how to bring ph down. Do not spent money Ph buffer to maintain it, as it normally does not last.
  10. white anemone? Chances is that it is bleached. Anemone extend longer at night not because light but to hunt for food or being territorial is my guess. But a pix will allows fellow reefer to better guess what is the issue.
  11. Coffee filter will do the job... those nylon ones...
  12. Do not doubt the LFS for now. If he did anything wrong up till now, most if not all the corals should have shown sign of stress or dead already. Start a tank thread with pix and we will make sure nothing is amiss... As for snails and inverts... you do not need that much in the beginning since you have no LS, you might starve and kill them.
  13. Does Frozen means dead? Thus cannot be used as starter culture?
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