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Everything posted by pangz

  1. these two i know, so i just help fill u in. aquamedic - $250 bioplast - $190 (from petmart @ 10% discount)
  2. aiyah.... think dirty lah.... dun wanna pollute your mind. ask muar chee lor... he got it... haha.....
  3. maybe everyday , the CO2 tank, german made solenoid and regulator will drop from the sky! sorry, couldn't help it...... but the budget really unrealistic lah. I got a 3L tank plus Bioplas (Taiwanese brand?) regulator @ about $280 in total. Think about it.
  4. Hi all. Thinking of going for a free and easy trip to Taipei for shopping. Clueless as to which hotel to stay. Anyone with recommendations?
  5. To ans your questions, 1) Is coraline algae consumed by fishes or invertebrates? Never seen any of mine do it. I believe it's just a hard encrustation on the rocks, not like hair algae which can be nipped off. 2) Can coraline algae be removed by nipping of fishes, etc? Dun think so.... even scratching it out would be difficult, although I dunno why anyone would..... 3) What exactly is the best environment to cultivate these coraline algae growth? You might want to refer to this thread on coraline algae that Creetin has in his tank. Amazing.... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=23072
  6. decentkid, you really decent....
  7. If you really can't get him out, just buy bigger fish next time. My guess is if he always hide then it'll be difficult to kill him also
  8. hmm.... someone KPO.... Think he did. He said he will contact me less. Anyway, I think he meant no harm, just that he din choose the right target. Sometimes luck counts in finding the right partner.
  9. Have used the most diplomatic of words to tell him nicely. Hope it works. Not like I'm that pretty or what.... Hope he'll find a soul mate in another girl. Cheers to all. Thanks for sharing my lor-sohness in the dead of the morning. A working day somemore....
  10. Did that. He's saying he just wanna make frens. Not saying he wooing me, but I'm feeling uncomfortable with the number of calls made by him. How should I tell him nicely?
  11. He is the salesman who took down my number and made the deal (good deal that I got). Then he has been leaving smses for good morning and good nights. He also calls to say he is bored, would like to chat. Don't really know how to ans him when he calls. Feel irritated also when the HP rings and I can't pick up. But I am attached mah.... Don't think I should be giving him the wrong idea. Anyway, I have just left him an sms. See how lor.
  12. the person is a guy. o... I get your confusion... I share this nick with my bro. I am a girl. Haha.... Imagine if I'm a guy! Have tot abt it, will sms a frank reply. Feel kinda bad, dunno why.... Dun think I'll go back to that place to buy stuff anymore also. hehe...
  13. My prob as above. The person involved has been smsing me almost everyday and leaving calls. I tried to decline politely at first, now I'm just ignoring it. But it is not stopping. Handphone number was given with the intention of being informed when an order I placed would be coming in. I am beginning to have a slight phobia of a ringing HP. Serious. Anyone with solutions?
  14. No other way meh? Not good to kill lah... will get karma? Mine walks all over the rocks at night. Might be a good time to catch the bugger with a net.
  15. well....... as silly as it sounds in this tech info filled thread........ I just prefer the shimmering effect of the MH to T5...... At the end of the day, I think I would enjoy my tank better........ hehe Good luck piglet, in your quest for the best lighting system..... Going SPS is really a strain on the pockets.
  16. Hi, you not planning to put a skimmer? Cause from the pic, i don't think you allocated a place for a skimmer. You planning to go skimmer-less? Another thing is that instead of putting all the coral chips and bio balls, you might want to consider just putting LRs in the sump.
  17. EEEeeee....... Guess i will have to go for more dive trips to learn the right way to clear my pee..
  18. Arsenal 1.Dispar_anthias 2.LVCAP Newcastle All THE WAY!!!! Manchester United 1. terryansimon (since 1987!) 2. Liverpool 1. 2. Chelsea 1. Vinoth 2. Tottenham Hotspur 1. Lightningstrike 2. Pangz Newcastle United 1. junyong84 2.
  19. ok, nvm then, cos i tot if i needed to pee, it' easier to get the pee out of the suit you see. nvm, will consider my choices. Btw, thanks kelstorm!
  20. Thanks all for the advice, will drop by the shops soon to check out the equipment. And try out some fins before getting my personal one. Actually are there wetsuits that have long sleeves but in berms? so like half a shortie and a long john?
  21. Nice tank you have there. You dont have a fuge right? How come you still need the lights in the sump?
  22. Thanks! Will check out those shops. In my mind i was thinking about getting a shortie as i feel more comfortable moving abt in it. And it's much easier getting in and out of it. Any specific brands to recommend? I didnt know so much about fins! Thanks so much! yup, i was using the paddle ones during my OWC. Ok, i guess i will do more research on fins before getting one. However, suits and mask are still on my priority list for now. To think that so many pple have worn the rental suits and mask, I kinda felt disgusted. So thinking of getting a personal one. Snorkel? never thought of getting one yet. Will consider when i go shopping for the equipment. Thanks again!
  23. Hi, I just completed my Open Water course last weekend. Was thinking getting some simple equipment like a wetsuit, mask and fins. Any shops to recommend? Thanks in advance! Btw, would you all recommend me getting a shortie or a long john?
  24. I have a brazillian gamma, two cleaner shrimps and one boxer shrimp. All shrimps about same size as the 1 1/2 inch BG, so far never seen the BG try to make a meal out of them.... but the BG has a really BIG mouth though.... Upz for your sale! $16 is a great price for a healthy BG.
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