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Everything posted by pangz

  1. I sis lah. Keeping about 10 in 3ft. hehe... it's easy to over stock i think. But 5 of my ten is only 2 cm in size. Super cute!
  2. Just to add. This unit is not entirely noiseless. The sound of it kicking in did give me a shock on many a nights, esp. after watching a horror show. That aside, for the price, the mumur heard when running is totally acceptable.
  3. My experience with damsels was that they tend to chase the weaker ones around (e.g. chromis) and totally stress them out. Maybe you can catch those damsels out first before adding other fishes. As for how to catch, do a search in this forum. There have been lots of innovative fish traps tot of by fellow reefers.
  4. it's just so shocking. I dun think anyone would have been able to walk past the models without giving a second look. Anyway, I agree that our motor show girls were much prettier. The subaru girls' outfits were really cool....
  5. all! beach road sounds good and accessible.... Do you all know which part of beach road is that?
  6. aiya... dun tease him already, later his wife hantam him......
  7. I find ranchus simply adorable..... starting a new ranchu tank. Got a few baby ranchus from Dreaminc, but really novice at goldfishes. Anyone with same interest? Where do you get your goldfishes? My budget is around $50 bucks for two incher. Not sure if it's realistic cos I know the nice ones can go in the hundreds. Anyone care to share?
  8. wahz.... you stare so carefully...... :lol:
  9. eye-opener.... to think we are the conservative ones..... Anyway, think the pics have been digitally enhanced, dun think any body paint could be that effective in covering the ermm.... 'you-know-wat'.... But really.... will anyone be looking at the bikes? Most likely they would have been covered with drool..... haha.... I guess if I was there, I'll most probably gawk as well, though i'm a girl.....
  10. o... i guess if it serves its purpose, then can already......
  11. Poke a hole? I think he meant get a pipe T-shaped connector. Should be available at most LFS, think Petmart got. The tee-off will be the size of the air-pipe, so no worries.
  12. Heard from Mr.Bac that LCK got..... not too sure though... maybe someone can confirm.
  13. No lah... guys normally dun notice Sisley = branded wear. I always tot the clothes got the biker 'seh'....
  14. Nice zoos spotted at Jireh. Got blue, orange, green......
  15. $280....... piangz.... I can't tell the difference between a merletti and a non-merletti... give me the coral, and i'll just chuck it together with my other blastos. But then again, perhaps i would put a little flag with the $280 price tag next to it to remind me. anyway, it was a price agreed between two willing parties. ex or not, it's up to them to judge. Maybe the guy wanted to clear wallet space..... Anyway, I'm such a novice at this hobby that I dun quite catch what the hype is all about...... think i have lots to catch up on.
  16. Evaporation = cooler water Can try turning on the fan less, but then your water will be warmer. Unless you turn off the fan and use a chiller, dun think you can escape having to top up.
  17. literacy diarrhoea? you are too modest.
  18. hehe... hairless Harry taking a dip. so cute really.... Hey AT, you do save a lot on shampoo hor? And grooming too !
  19. looks bad leh bro..... can understand your frustration. I had cyano algae in my old nano tank before, and it got so much on my nerves that i took out the LR to scrub every day. However, in the end, rowaphos took care of it. Dunno how to help you also, all the gurus here have given so much advice. Maybe when you buy your Aqua C skimmer, it'll get better? Good luck!
  20. Whereas children in Singapore are lamenting over having no Heelys to wear.... Sometimes, when we are tired of working and the everyday stresses of life, it might be good to take a break and travel to less developed countries. There are others out there eating without knowing when their next meal will be..... people with less money, less luxury goods, but still happier than us... Somehow it makes all my daily complaints seem so insignificant... Morale of story: Take time off to reflect on the good things in our lives. We are living in bliss, yet blissfully unaware of it.
  21. My fault.... I started talking stupid.... now super Anyway, sometimes perhaps silence can save you lots of time explaining. Don't think most customs officer can differentiate hard corals and normal softies. So to them, compounding the item would be the savest way to go. Die.... seems like i'm advocating 'smuggling'..... . Anyway, best way is to stay within the rules and keep whatever you are bringing over alive.
  22. Think blowing at main tank more effective cos got bigger surface area for evaporation. More evaporation = faster drop in temp (but got limit, in Singapore, dun think can cool beyond 28 degrees with a MH) But do check your salinity regularly when using fans, cos have to top up every day.
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