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Everything posted by pangz

  1. so this is your true intention of posting! haha... good luck!
  2. haha.... my bro busy studying.... nick now belongs to me. tank also i have to take care by myself.... your gender unknown? I'm sure your wife would jump at this!
  3. there are ladies around, is it that difficult to find a lady reefer? Flubby sis is one of the more prominent ones.
  4. they too lazy to change water on a regular basis? at least i know i really dread it....
  5. Hi, anyone planning to sell their 2ft T5 fixtures? Thanks.
  6. Aiyo... why is there nobody responding to such a positive thread and choosing to flame everyone else in others? For a start, i think the following are nice pple... 1) Henry from ML for his advice 2) Riot for his free bunny cage Thanks...
  7. Thanks for the reply. So far haven't had any major probs with my tank but somehow, I feel it's a major time bomb.... my worst fear would be to come home and find everything dead.... Guess I was being overly worried.
  8. Yes, but think over already, since it's been more than a year. Anyone with experience of the chiller breaking down? Who do you approach for servicing and a temp chiller? Thanks.
  9. Hi all! Been thinking about all the bad things that can happen to my tank.... say if my chiller CL650 breaks down, is there any repairman to turn to for help and a temp chiller? from a paranoid reefer
  10. PI ok lah.... they got their own workshop, so far haven got screwed by them. Service was excellent during servicing and when some idiot knocked me from behind. i got mine at 7 yrs, 70% loan, under HSBC financing.
  11. Do a search in this forum. Think a lot has been discussed about the resun chiller CL650. Personally, i am using it and think it's great value for money.
  12. Hi. I'm driving a Wish and am proud of my car. Spacious, value-for-$$, fuel efficient, nice-looking, couldn't ask for more. I know most of the WISH owners are a passionate lot about their cars. You may may like to visit the wish club for more details, giving you tips on which PIs to approach, things to note, etc. http://forums.delphiforums.com/toyotawish My experience: - Fuel efficent (averages about 13-14km/l, currently about 80% city, 20% highway) - Top speed 180km, 120km/hr no prob, doesn't feel like flying - Quiet (i have soundproofed four doors) - Nice bodykits available - Handling not too bad for small MPV, steering is quite responsive. - spare parts no prob as the engine is same as that of toyota altis - Downside is engine idling prob. RPM can get as low as 600 during idling, that's when engine vibrates. I understand most of the stock WISH got this prob. - recommended octane level is 91, I currently using 95. cheaper~!! - Not many blind spots (important for MPV), great especially since i so petite. Can recommend you my PI (PM me for number). Remember that when buying from PI, price is not all the concern. Sometimes, they give you a stock car with bare accessories and quote you a super low price.
  13. Imagine..... while you out with gf, your wife out with bf! then i ask, what is marriage?
  14. Hey mc, i also kenna KINS lehz, they ask me to go for a interview with the J Div CO KINS. You know what will i be doing?
  15. Some girls mind and some girls dun mind. But what's really important is how you view your other half and the priorities you set. We dun fall in love with certificates, we fall in love with a person in his/hers entirety, their talents and their flaws. I think it boils down to being able to communicate and a person's ego.
  16. Not sure about the specs of the CL280, but i have been advised before to get a CL450 for my 3ft. There might be a slight price difference, but i would advise you to get a higher capacity chiller, instead of getting an under-powered one which takes ages to cool down the tank.
  17. I target feed zooplankton/ when I'm lazy, just pour DT into the tank. I find them rather fuss-free.
  18. I've asked the same question and some kind person gave me this link http://www.netpets.org/fish/reference/reefref/favia.html my favia is now doing really well, even reproducing (i.e one mouth split two).
  19. I got two gobies to do the job and good flow in your tank should keep the sandbed relatively clean. Otherwise stiring your sand with gadgets might release harmful gases the other guys were talking about.
  20. This is a nice hobby, find it funny why reefers are mostly guys though....
  21. Put ice lah... will keep down the temp a bit, pack the ice into plastic bags so the water wun mix with your tank water.
  22. Looks like an oversized killer whale to me.
  23. Thanks all for the valuable inputs!
  24. Serious? Sounds like outright war. hehe.... good luck. But I'm not too sure about whether ich can be completely eradicted. Is there some other reason causing your fish to be susceptible to ich? stress? mine had ich initially, but eventually cleared up without any drastic measures.
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