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Everything posted by pangz

  1. Hi pple, any great looking yellow tangs spotted? (abt 2" to 3"?) Thanks!
  2. Great pics! Got any more? are those your colleagues?
  3. Pardon my ignorance, what is assexual or sexual ? There's several types of microalgae, which should i put in the fuge?
  4. I have a DSB of abt 5" in my refugium tank. How should i start growing my microalgea? Where to get them? Thanks
  5. Hey babyfishy, listen to what scarab had said. I am also quite new to this hobby. So it's good to follow those advice from the old timers and learn new things as you progress. Good luck!
  6. Must be patient when you are in this hobby. You tank might not be fully ycled. Most pple will cycle their tank for at least a month before adding LS into their tank. In the mean while stop adding LS into your tank. Go purchase some test kits and test for water parameters. If there's still NO3, it means that you tank is not fully cycled.
  7. You mean the first one is a lady?? All along i thought it was a guy cross dressing!
  8. pangz

    Crab trap

    Cool idea, but how long did you leave your trap in he tank before you manage to catch the crab?
  9. Great purple rocks you have there! Where did you purchase them? they are so purple...
  10. I already place both outlet max dist apart. Ok, will go for a lfs tour this weekend to check out the blue sponge. thanks.
  11. Thanks, will try the LR method. Me using Filter bag already, it helps quite a bit but there's still got quite a lot of microbubbles.
  12. Hi, I am into my 2nd week of cycling for the new tank, but i don't know when should i introduce my fuge to the new system. When one can enlighten me? Should i go get those micro algae now and introduce during the cycling period? or should i wait till the system is cycled then introduce the fuge? Thanks!
  13. Haha, esp Armour Infantry. Combat engineer or Combat medic can be quite tough too. Just pray hard that you will go to a unit where you can find great pals.
  14. Hey nails, glad that your bmt days are over! BMT days are the most fun period thruout your NS life. Want to be an NSPI? Not possible for your batch. Cos the NSPI intake is Jan batch and Sept intake. So don't think it is possible. Dont worry, other units may be as fun too! Good luck to you for your next posting!
  15. My condolences.. Don't think about it too much. I bet you will be able to set up a brand new tank when you return. Take care in Japan
  16. I played it last time too. Quit playing after having boardband became a norm and all the newbies start flooding the servers. How's the new condition zero? i heard there's a shield that even awp cant shoot thru it right?
  17. Hi lightning, how's life in japan? Often meaning once a week? I just bought the mesh bag ( those for washing washing.) but microbubbles are still flowing out. I also tried cloth. It does stop the microbubbles from flowing out, but the water is surging out into my collection cup without fine tuning my air bubbles. I think the cloth is too thick. Sigh, i think i just have to live with the microbubbles prob now. Thanks for all the help!
  18. Sure! Thanks. Will go source for a mesh bag later!
  19. Hi, need some advice on the microbubbles prob. Recently i bought a H&S (in sump) skimmer, but it seems like a lot of microbubbles are flowing out from it. As my sump is pretty small, so the only place i can place the skimmer is in e compartment with my return pump. Now here's the problem, the return pump is ###### out all the microbubbles and into my main tank. So how can i stop thesemicroblubbles from flowing out of my skimmer? Any advice? Thanks!
  20. Hi heckers, great thread there. Actually i am facing the same problem as you. I am currently cycling my 3ft tank(3x2x2), and was planning to get a tunze 6060 till you posted this question. Now i have doubts about it whether the current is way too strong for the tank and making all my fish surfing ard the whole tank. But if i dun get the tunze, are there other wavemakers that are more user friendly for a 3ft tank( but there's a cap of about $200 for me) ?
  21. o... thanks for your advice anyway. BTW, that's a really cute dog you have for your avatar.
  22. yup, I'm refering to the same short PVC pipe. You mean it can actually get trapped in the PVC pipe? hmmm.... just wonder why the thingy isn't stuck firmly to the pump. In my case, the connection was loose and the pump wasn't firmly stuck on the glass, so it sort of slided away and the pipe also came off.... I tot my equipment was faulty or something. The pipe came together with the skimmer in original packaging. Is it meant to be this loose, or did I fitted it incorrectly?
  23. Hi, recently i just bought a H&S skimmer (for max. 400L). Noticed that the connector between the skimmer and the pump is very loose fitting. When i switch on the pump, the connection actually breaks off. Anyone with similar problem? Advice on how to solve it? Thanks
  24. Then suddenly there was a flash, then 'BANG!!!' Lightning had struck. EVIL EVIL Octopus became fried sotong....
  25. ok. point taken. two pumps do make it easier to set up. actually dunno how to tune using one pump also. Thanks for all your valuable advice.
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