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Everything posted by pangz

  1. Wow, that's tons of money spend on your equipment. But i guess when you see the final product, you will find it's money well spent. Good luck!
  2. My wildest guess for AI would be armour infantry? got no idea too. NSPI it's just another posting. ( anyways, i am an NSPI myself. Maybe muar chee can tell me who you are. i from the 38th batch.) So no matter which posting you go to. It's the friends you meet that are impt. So blacknails, there are pros and cons to every posting. 2 years 2 mths is actually a short time. Just treasure your NS life.
  3. For Ronald Susilo, his reason for coming to Singapore was to pursue his studies. It's only during his secondary school days that he really focused on Badminton. So he cant really be considered a foreign talent. Singapore dindn't employ him here to play Badminton for us. But what's wrong with foreign talents? Half of France's soccer team players are not originally from France. Most are from Africa! But when France won the World Cup, who was opposing the notion on foreign talents?
  4. Terry, been thru army? Cos if you have, you should have at least heard of this posting. After bmt, you are posted to police for their inspector(NS) course. That makes you an NSPI
  5. Muar_chee, you are the 37th batch issit? Which department you are in now? So how's your new junior?
  6. What's so bad about french built quality? But getting the spareparts for the car will be expensive right?
  7. Did you all caught the match between him and Lin Dan ( Overall 1st seed). Fantastic Win!
  8. Hey Tanzy, no prob regarding the finance part, my dad had it planned out. Thanks for your help! There's two drivers in my family(including myself), so will be trying all types of cars to see which suits us best. Btw, was thinking about it. Why no one mention anything about chevrolet? No reviews on it?
  9. Getting a 2nd hand car is great, but like what tanzy said, need to consider the rest of the factors, road tax, insurance and blah blah. Audi A4 is in a different league compared to the Altis or the Jazz man. Cant get too small a car too, need to fit at least 4-5 person in the car. so i think they are out for me.
  10. Speaking abt small cars having small engines, does the jazz consume as much fuel as say matrix? Jazz has good loading place but can it fit 4-5 pple comfortably? Was thinking of heading down to Borneo Motor show room this weekend to have a look at the Altis or Wish. Cos i prefer the exterior of Corolla instead. Do you all happen to know if Borneo is still bringing in any more of the old model Corolla instead of the Altis?
  11. Ya, abt the Fit and Jazz are the same? always very confused as they look so alike! Another thing. For Toyota Altis, They have both the 1.8 and 1.6 versions. They use the same car boydy kit, just that the engines are different. So does the difference in engine capacity affects the fuel consumption rate?
  12. But Matirx and Getz consumes a lot of fuel right? Every month $600 surely doesnt include the topup for fuel right? Sure Tanzy, will be going down to the various showrooms to have a look this weekend
  13. wah... nice rims and skirts! hmm... but i just wonder, with the car so low, wun it hit the hump? hehe... will print out pic to show my dad. Thanks!
  14. Thanks micheal. Nice car... will look out for it. Parallel importers u say? Anyone with lobangs?
  15. heh... best if sporty like WRX.... haha... can't imagine him driving it...
  16. hmm... just trying to source around for dad, he's not so updated with the new cars. And since i'm helping out with car maintenance, petrol and insurance, would like to know what are the best choices available. And to answer terry's question, i drive half the time. so Wish does not have an aircon for the rear seat.... hmm... i do appreciate the space though.... perhaps will get down to the car dealers this weekend to look see. Thanks for the comments!
  17. My dad ah pek driver, no need sportiness lah... hmm, thanks for the comments though! Seems like range pretty limited, everyone is either driving a nissan or toyota.... how i wish i had the moneyto buy an Audi TT.... but then again, will have to find somewhere to put fat dad. the roof? hehe.....
  18. Sorry if i sound choosy for the small budget. Think vios too small.... hehe... dad too fat, so must get bigger one... actually thinking of Toyota Wish of about 87k. Anyone driving it?
  19. Yeah, agree mileage for toyota best, but the altis model didn't struck me that well... *sorry to all altis owners!* think it looks boxy and squarish. if only they had a nicer design, bet it'll sell even better. No other make/ model?
  20. My family is thinking of getting a new car, any good recomendations? Would like one with good mileage, good looks and easy maintenance. Wish we had more budget, but my dad's is of the opinion that cars are just meant for moving around together.... Thanks!
  21. I really applaud the hearing-impaired girl who went up to sing... think it must have took lots of courage and effort to learn the song and even sing it properly.
  22. Not my cat, how i wish i have such a cute one. Got this pic thru the net. lck110? are there any more like nearer to the east side or central part of the island?
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