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Harry H

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Everything posted by Harry H

  1. Sorry I am new. Not sure what is CuC. However there is a little algae despite the fact that I have a UV light Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Sorry I am new. Not sure what is CuC. However there is a little algae despite the fact that I have a UV light Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Sorry I am new. Not sure what is CuC. However there is a little algae despite the fact that I have a UV light Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. It is Sea Life. I hope I am not breaking the forum rules as I am new here. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. I have been reefing for 2 years and recently started a Nuvo 10g tank again. My previous tank is a Fluval 46l but the small access is too restrictive. Have been searching for the laziest and easiest water maintenance method. And finally found it. It is Polymer. It looks almost like the normal filter wool but it is a polymer instead. I found out accidentally. I went to a LFS and struck up the usual "why your tanks are always so perfect?" conversation. And the owners told me it is polymer. I tried it and OMGosh the water became crystal clear and the inhabitants love it. This is not a viral marketing post. Just google Polymer Bio Marine and you can read about it. I am sure there are a hundred ways to have good water quality but this is the lazy man way. And for newly cycled tank, I think it is a wonderful technology. Just my 2 cents opinion. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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