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Everything posted by wts684

  1. My water parameter as follow: Nitrate: 0 Ammo: 0 Nitrite: 40 ph: 8.5 KH: 7-8 Temp: 26-27C Calcium-?? Is the data sufficient? My nitrite is quite high due to some died fishes unable to remove from rock. I change water bi-weekly.
  2. The Koran in tank for more than two months. He grew from 1" to 1 1/2" (approxi). I found he changed the colour this morning, some blue body skins look blurred. Is this arnormal? He eats about 15 bs everyday.
  3. I saw some LFS has selling live shrimp in bag. Shd I feed this to Angel?
  4. Dear Ashur, What is the different b/n sump filtation & eheim filtration? My tank equipment is as follow: 1 Sander Ozonier C50 with air pump 1 Red Sea Skimmer 1 Eheim proffesional II external filter 1 overflow system 1 Micro compact chiller 1 Rea Sea wavemasterpro with 4 power head Pls advise what other else equipment u can recommend. BTW, what is DOC. How to solve?
  5. My 4 kings in 5 ft tank .............he....he...he.... They are swimed together outside the rock now.
  6. Hi what is BBS? BTW, where to buy for those mussel or scallops, crush crab claw, or chop/slice squid? Thks a lot.
  7. My Regal fish has been stayed with me for more than two weeks. He just like to eat algaes which are fully covered behind the rock & glass wall. He eats frozen shrimp not very often.
  8. Dear Vincent, Thks for feedback. My majestic fish is now swim fine in tank. the only problem is he don't like frozen shrimp food. He just like to eat algae in tank. Any advise on this area? Thks in advance.
  9. Hi bro, I share my Regal too..........
  10. wts684

    cabbage coral

    Bro....Unfortunately, not beautiful......the pic is very blur, can't see clearly what is that..... You may try to resize the pic by photoshop.
  11. I see my shrimps are working very hard in tank
  12. He..he..he..I think this is most beautiful..bro....pls share the most beautiful fishes in your tank. SHARE....lah..
  13. Just share with u all, my majestic fish is fully recovered from ICH. He is now swim outside the rock with two new comer --- Emperor & Regal angel fish. I noticed that majestic like the same sizes but different category fish accompany together. Emperor is very beautiful and friendly with other fishes. Anyone like to see how beautiful it is?
  14. He....that cute, where you bought from?
  15. What about this fish, what is the name? Can someone advise...
  16. It look beautiful. I like it so much. I have two in my tank for more than two weeks. Both are not shame....cheer.......... TS
  17. I just wonder they eat too much..................I feed them with frozen shrimp, does it caused any problem to fishes? I cleaned the frozen shrimps with hot water before feed. Just to prevent anything been happening. Am I too worry?
  18. I found two molted in my tank a while ago.
  19. Hi, Every two days, once..........Fishes Every three days, once ......Corals
  20. I have one majestic angel in my tank which I was bought last Friday. It is very shame, the size is about 90-100mm. Only appear when the light is off.
  21. How many times can shrimp remove their skin? My shrimp has removed their skin 3 times in one month. It glows from about 0.6" to more than 1" (body only) now. Will the large shrimp hurt the fish if they glow bigger?
  22. These 4 clowns most of the time are gathering together, and not fight to each other.
  23. I don't like this fish. It always bite other fishes. I try to remove, but not successful. He swim very fast and hide in the liverock.
  24. I don't know also. I bought in Serangoon North.
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